Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Sir Paul Knights The Bev Center

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let your favorite pop star know that she looks a little busted without all that make-up caked on.
In today's episode: Sir Paul McCartney doubled-spotted indulging his retail impulses at the Mecca of L.A. shopping malls, Jake Gyllenhaal mistaken for a valet at the Chateau Marmont, Kate Beckinsale representing well in person, Wilmer Valderrama mostly ignoring Lindsay Lohan, Hilary and Haylie Duff, Mischa Barton and Brandon Davis, Bryan Singer, Jewel, Stevie Nicks testing our mattresses, and a D-list sighting of local anchor Laura Diaz.
· In what will probably be my favorite sighting ever: Sunday Afternoon at the Macy's in the Beverly Center I saw Sir Paul McCartney with a little baby girl and a friendly looking bodyguard. Paul was playing with the baby on the floor and seemed like a nice guy.
· Yesterday afternoon I was at the Beverly Center checking out the new j lo lingerie at Macy's, but I don't have a big booty so I didn't get any.. But more importantly, as I was leaving the lingerie department I heard this English voice, much to my surprise it was Paul McCartney, his young one legged wife and their precious new born, plus a security guy carrying their bags, it looked like they had just purchased a new comforter... The fabulous aged Beatle escaped w/ wife, baby and security/valet down the elevator. I thought I had lost Paul for good, but when I exited Macy's into the mall near the gap the Beatle was there waiting for me getting coffee, holding his precious baby. I had to note both Paul and Heather looked like they needed a good hair washing, Paul McCartney was sporting roots, he must be dying his hair to cover gray. Also, Heather was sporting a weird die job, blond on top, brunette on the bottom. I was amazed that Paul McCartney would mingle among common people at the Beverly Center, no one seemed to recognize him. I was concerned that the fabulously wealthy Beatle and his beautiful one legged young wife would shop at Macy’s, but I was relieved to see a bag from the fashionable and expensive Traffic on their baby carriage. I wonder if they were going to shop next at the near by Stella McCartney store?
· Stepped out of rental car at Chateau Marmont last eve. Approach attendant to hand him keys. When within one foot, realize attendant is not attendant but rather Jake Gyllenhaal, who flashes me that impish grin.
· I was shopping at the Sephora on Third Street on Sunday and saw the lovely Kate Beckinsale browsing with her husband. (Well, she was browsing. He was tagging along after her and looking both rather bored and kinda hot.) She was wearing reading glasses — not a great disguise — and a white smocked strapless tunic top thingy over jeans, and is very, very pretty in person. I tried to check out her boobs to determine once and for all if she had them done, but couldn't really manage it without looking creepy. For what I could tell, though, I think they're real.
· Was dining at Sushi Roku on 3rd Street in LA on Saturday night around 8 p.m. Sat next to Wilmer Valderrama ("That 70's Show") and his current squeeze, Lindsay Lohan. He seems nice, obviously has some comedic talent. But what's she all about anyway? She was mousy, down in the mouth and not all that, if you ask me. What do casting agents see in her? Wilmer spent more time playing on his PDA than playing with La Lohan. Not a good sign.
· Was at Katsu-Ya on Ventura on a Monday night when some clearly famous blonde and an agent type tried to get a table. Blonde was kinda busted looking — all the Fred Segal gear in the world couldn't help that. Having trouble identifying her until wee, surprisingly-adorable Hilary Duff entered and greeted busted Blonde — ohhh, it's the unfortunate sister Haylie. Seems Hill made her secure the table while she and her GIANT posse of Urban Outfitter-clad friends made their way over. Like the Sisters Duff, entourage wore tons of makeup, foolish 80s-retro accessories. But there seemed to be an unspoken rule: no girl cuter than Hill in a ten foot radius. Agent Type instructed the waitress to seat their party out of the way of on-lookers. They were joined by some beefy guys — either body guards or 'edgy' music producers.
· Saw the dynamic duo, Mischa Barton and Brandon Davis, at The Grove's, Morels French Steakhouse. When we strolled by, Mischa was gesturing and flopping around with a big ol' probably-inebriated grin on her face. Brandon sat quietly sipping on a drink and mustering the strength to keep that giant melon of his upright. I guess we're supposed to be honored that a hot young actress and the heir to a kajillion dollars will snuggle up next to the Pacific Sunwear store and eat amongst us commoners.
· Went to Kate Mantilini's Sunday morning to grab a bagel (blech, they suck!). While waiting near the entrance my friend was given a long head-to-toe glance by Bryan Singer. Then the diminutive director — who could have just as easily been breezing into a college cafeteria — rushed to a table in the back. There he met an older gent who looked a bit like Ridley Scott — but w/ more pudge, a cheesy cop moustache and short hair that was more strawberry than ginger red. I pointed out Singer's amorous attentions to my friend but he did not take kindly to them. Freakin' mutant.
· I saw Jewel at the Whole Foods on Santa Monica- in fact, it seemed as if she kept on following me around, as it took me at least five bump-intos to even figure out who she was. Very little in her shopping basket, it appeared as if she was there to spotted rather than shop. Very interested in bakery goods, esp. the chocolate cake. Sure you're still vegan darling?
· I saw Steve Nicks (dressed in de rigour black wrap-around shades, jeans, and black, oversized, fringed, long knitted cardigan, looking very much the Valley bitter divorcee with a chip on her shoulder the size of her boulder who wants to buy a King-size mattress to accommodate all of her cats) of Fleetwood Mac fame at the Culver City Sit n' Sleep, trying out beds by dramatically flopping down on them one by loudly telling the salesman and her exhausted assistant that she wasn't going to pay more than was absolutely necessary. Note- she was looking in the cheap mattress section. Greatest Hits not paying as well as expected, huh?
· My husband and I were having dinner at Yoshi's Shabu Shabu in Sherman Oaks on Saturday night and I noticed a hispanic lady who I thought would have looked prettier without the lip collagen and nose job. I didn't think anything more of
it until I saw a gaggle of Japanese girls pointing to head shot on the wall of fame behind them. It was a signed photo
of Laura Diaz from the local CBS news. It was the first time I had ever seen someone actually patronizing a business that displayed their headshot.