To Do: Groundlings Get Old, Shatner, And David O. Russell

1. The Groundlings, boot camp to virtually every comedian in history (OK, we're slightly exaggerating) celebrate their 30th anniversary with a gala at the Henry Fonda. The whole world is going to be there, yet no one invited us! Typical.
2. We swear we're not getting Tower Records payola, we merely feel a responsibility to let you know that William Shatner is signing copies of his bizarre new CD, Has Been, tonight at Tower on Sunset Boulevard.
3. Tonight's Concerts for Change at Largo has David Cross, Greg Behrendt and Aisha Tyler, but the main event is the first L.A. screening of David O. Russell's Iraq war documentary, Soldiers Pay. Looks like only standing room tickets are available, so cram up against the bar and check it out.