Sightings are sent in by our lovely readers; send yours to

In today's overcrowded edition: Claire Danes, Chelsea Clinton and Ian Klaus, Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore, Noah Wyle, Liev Schreiber, Matt Lauer, Vincent Gallo, Robin Williams, Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele Bundchen, Lorraine Bracco, David Lee Roth, David Bowie and Lou Reed, Trish Goff, Anna Paquin, Minnie Driver, Gael Garcia Bernal, Alec Baldwin, Willem Dafoe, Tony Danza, Chris Robinson and Kate Hudson, Ethan Hawke, Vera Wang, Woody Allen and Soon-Yi, Uma Thurman, Chris Noth, Thom Felicia, Jai Rodriguez, Dennis Farina, the Beastie Boys, Ryan O'Reilly, the Olsen twins, Molly Ringwald, Eric Neis, Alan Kalter, Chris Parnell, Lili Taylor, Shandi from Top Model, Janeane Garofalo, Hal from Letterman, Elizabeth Berkeley, Wendy Williams and Sam Champion.

Claire Danes standing on a busy subway looking scared and horrified, huddling in a corner. No one noticed her, I glanced, but I've seen her and Billy Crudup making out and being rude to everyone in SoHo so many times that I'm over it.

Saw Chelsea Clinton and her on-again, off-again oily bohunk, Ian Klaus, perusing furniture at ABC Carpet and Home yesterday afternoon (10/3). She looked "classy" according to my husband in her Sunday best: a gray sweater, a black skirt and black patent leather heels. Klaus seemed whiny, and there was some mention of needing office furniture. As I stalked them from floor to floor like a lunatic, I spotted them steal a kiss near some uber mod tables. Awww. As for reports of plastic surgery, my armchair opinion is yes, she has probably had some work (at least a nose job) done. Unfortunately, there is nothing she can do aside from wearing limb-lengthening heels about Hillary's contribution to her appearance: massive cankles.

if one spends a good deal of time at prince and mott on a sunday afternoon, like i did this weekend, they will most likely have the experience that i had of seeing the randomest collection of celebrities ever. first off was moby(does he count?) looking lost as he walked with a very attractive blonde. then kim gordon and thurston moore (of sonic youth fame). every time i see them, she is walking a good 5 paces ahead of him. whats that about?. next was a rather disheveled looking noah wyle pushing a baby carriage, no wife in sight. the man has the pointiest nose i've ever seen! then we saw liev schreiber wearing aviator glasses, a white hanes shirt and cowboy boots. i wanted to smack him upside the head for the horror that was the remake of the manchurian candidate. jessica biel (is she still famous?) and a friend shopping on mott. and what is probably the most scary of all the sightings, matt lauer and his non-existent wife (how was this women a model? she looks to be no more than 5'2") and their devil spawn. matt was rocking the gay or eurotrash look of a horrid zip front mock turtle neck sweater and ill fitting straight leg jeans and prada shoes. his hair is very gray in person. he scared me. and, of course, what afternoon would be complete without a vincent gallo sighting. the man has to be the scuzziest republican out there, or at least the one most in need of a shower. and he was trying to rock the denim on denim look...always a no-no.

Leaving the Barnes & Noble on 66th Street, a few hours before his appearance at the ACLU Freedom Concert, Robin Williams. He was carrying a bag with a book he bought (I couldn't see what book) and was really tan. He wore a light blue shirt and crazy movie star sunglasses. He passed his book off to the driver of a black Escalade waiting across the street and then went into Tower Records. We followed him to the bottom level, where he browsed the DVDs. He was friendly, but never spoke above a whisper, even when every single salesman came over to ask if he needed help finding anything. He just kept saying, "No, I'm fine, thanks."

Saw Leo DiCaprio and Gisele Bundchen at Peter Luger on Friday night (10/1). They came in holding hands about 10:45pm, abruptly turned and walked out, then walked back in again not thirty seconds later and were seated in the main dining room. Both were casually dressed in blue jeans. He looked disheveled, she looked totally stunning. The wait staff didn't seem to notice them, and only a few of the patrons whispered about their presence. I didn't see what they ordered but after all it was Peter Luger - one can assume Gisele is a meat-eater as well as a fur-wearer.

sat next to gisele bundchen treating her parents to dinner at next door nobu last night. she joked with us about her cute mom and even said goodbye when they left. damn her for being so beautiful, casual and nice!

Saw Lorraine Bracco coming out of City Bakery around 3 pm with an extremely ordinary-looking (New Jersey housewife?) female friend. Ms. Bracco wasn't looking so glamorous: orange sweater, orange pashmina, orange skin (fake bake?), a somewhat zaftig Ms. Bracco was also wearing purple-bubblegum-tinted sunglasses — the kind that Britney Spears used to wear.

Saw Diamond Dave [Lee Roth] outside my apartment on E. 4th and Bowery at around 9am today. He was wearing a backpack, baggy black pants and a pale blue hooded sweatshirt with the hood up. He looked like a seventh grader. I cut him some slack though, becuase he
probably hasn't been up that early since he himself was in middle school.

Last night at Roseland (10/3), I saw rock legends David Bowie and Lou Reed sitting together in the balcony VIP section checking out Scottish band Franz Ferdinand. Bowie was at the previous FF show on Sept 9th so he must really dig them! I also saw Daniel from Interpol at the show as well.

10/3 I was walking up the West Side Hwy...close to the trapeze and saw the model Trish Goff with what looked to be a boyfriend/husband? She was hiding behind big glasses. She is angelic looking, not too tall for a model. Then only a few minutes later I saw Jessica Lange walking with what looked to be a husband and son. The son was a real cute blondie, maybe 20 or so...she was wearing an anti-bush pin...rock on.

Saw Anna Paquin yesterday on 6th and A with a friend, dressed like she was coming from ballet class in leggings and ballet flats. She was laughing, showing off her hideous tooth gap.

So on Sunday, 10/3, I was getting my early-afternoon-drink-on at the West Village Caliente Cab Co. (classy, I know), and my friend suddenly spotted Minnie Driver hailing a cab. Although she didn't look as amazon as I had imagined, she definitely was rocking the "I used to be famous so I can dress homeless" look. She was wearing black fishnets, black heels, and a froofy black skirt with flowers on it. Think: Blossom. She stuck her big head into the cab, said something to the driver, and then flounced into the car. About 5 minutes later, the hot guy from "Y Tu Mama..." and "Motorcycle Diaries" walked by [Gael Garcia Bernal]. He's short, but I'd still do him.

I was talking on my cell phone when I just saw Alec Baldwin walking up 1st Avenue towards 14th Street in the East Village (Tuesday night, around 7pm). His helmut of hair looked impeccible, but he had a disheveled look about him as he was carrying a very large stack of assorted papers and magazines. He also had on these hideous baggy black pants. I briefly made eye contact and stopped to turn and look back after he passed (don't worry, I waited a beat), and sure enough, people behind me were whispering the sighting to each other or into their cell phones.

Saw Willem Dafoe on 10/3 leaving DUMBO and walking towards Brooklyn Heights. He was with three women, one of whom looked very french and was dressed all in noir.

saw Tony Danza in the News Corp. building. God he is Tiny! I probably wouldn't have noticed him if the guy he was with didn't announce his name (in shock, might I add) when the people at the front desk failed to recognize him. Don't know what he was doing in the building (doesn't he have a show on ABC?), and didn't stick around to find out—being in the building that produces both Fox News and the NYP was already killing my journalism ethics.

Saw Chris Robinson and Kate Hudson with their sleeping child (in the requisite "it's the most expensive so it must be the best" Bugaboo Frog stroller) in front of Grey Dog Coffee on Carmine Street early last night. Kate went in (likely to see if there was room for the stroller as Grey Dog was somewhat busy) and Chris stayed outside with the stroller and child. Now I've had it in for Chris Robinson since my waiter days in 1991 when he and the rest of the Black Crowes and their touring entourage took up my whole section in a Milwaukee breakfast restaurant, ran me ragged for three hours, and STIFFED ME, but in the 30 seconds I saw them, recognized them, and walked passed them, I have to say the guy looked like a really sweet, caring Dad.

Saw Ethan Hawke walking down 7th avenue near 28th street today, he looked, no, he didnt.

Walking up Crosby, between Prince/Houston, Sunday afternoon, I was taken aback by the cutting features and witch-like black hair of a woman loading her kids into a chauffer driven, tinted window Black SUV (strange make/model, I think it was some sort of souped up Landrover) No, it wasn't Anh Duong, who I'd seen shopping with her son at Phat Farm not long ago, but none other than Vera ironic, the Queen of White Weddings looks like she's hired Morticia Addams' stylist.

Saw Woody Allen and Soon-Yi holding hands on Park Ave yesterday evening. Woody's skin is the color of cr me brulee, and Soon Yi was lookin' purty in her Lily Pulitzer frock.

Saw Uma Thurman walking down Leroy st between Bleecker and 7th ave. She is enormous and scary looking. Had to do a triple take to be sure it was her and not just another west village trany.

Chris Noth dining at Josephina near Lincoln Center with a buddy, and posing amiably for a pic with a star struck female fan.

Walking home from work up 7th Ave in the village on Monday 10/4, I walked passed an obviously p.o.'d Thom Felicia the Queer. He shot me a nasty glance and then I noticed his black Town Car had been side-swiped by a red SUV and his driver was calling the police. The dent was in the passenger seat door. He didn't appear to be injured. Just annoyed. Thank god!

I saw Jai Rodriguez, my second Fab 5-er of the week, walking up 6th Avenue at around 25th Street. He was wearing a blue tee over a white long-sleeve shirt, jeans, and some sort of colorful sneaker. He looked really good in person, even though he's still wearing that absurd earring. Then, several hours later, at The Park on 10th Avenue, I ran into... Jai Rodriguez again. He was dressed the same and was very friendly to the throngs of boys who came over to say hi to him.

Dennis Farina spotted on Madison Avenue in the 60s this Sunday. I followed him into a Korean deli where he was looking for jelly. Looks exactly like he does on screen. Very nice and seemed to get a chuckle out of the fact that I quoted Midnight Run to him.

I just saw the Beastie Boys doing some commando video shooting outside my office at 7th and 36th. Mike D was wearing a trucker hat, I had to look away. I thought these guys were in their early forties, but damn Buddhism must be rough on the skin.

Just saw the cellmate of my dreams, Ryan O'Reilly (aka Dean Winters), walking east on 28th Street. He was dressed like he'd just come from the gym (having NOT showered!) and was talking excitedly on his cellphone. I was giddy on the inside, but maintained my composure on the outside, which is more than I can say for the two gentlemen behind me who immediately began jumping up and down and screaming "OZ!" at him.

Sitting in the second row of a packed 3rd Avenue theatre for the Friday night showing of I Heart Huckabees were (extreme south seat) Mary Kate and (about eight seats north) Mary Kate. Or, maybe, the other way around. Their legs were dangling. They had an entourage of NYU-ish types. After the show, one of their skinny friends picked up the nearest Olsen and swung her around as if she weighed 30 pounds. They put on different caps and walked out separately.

Saw Molly Ringwald and hubby and baby on 7th and A yesterday. I love red-headed kids so I shrieked and pointed at the youngster, complimenting her on how cute it was. She looked horrified. I was considering dressing as Molly this Halloween and I am taking this as a sign that I should.

yeahhhh, i saw eric neis on monday night eating some smashed chicken concoction/sewage at dojo on st. marks. he's still buff and looks exactly the same. dragging along a large orange camping pack and chowing down with some asian gal.

walked past alan kalter in times square (i'm not even a tourist!) and then boarded the downtown V to the familiarity of the LES. giggled with my female compatriots on the way home about benjamin gibbard's (death cab for cutie) rumored struggle with premature ejaculation (as told to one of us by a friend of one of his ex-girlfriends in line for the port-a-potty backstage at this summer's siren festival) and carlos d.'s (interpol) rumored struggle with herpes. when the train stopped, a short man eagerly awaited the emergency brake and opening doors to escape our conversation, which apparently we subjected the entire car to. i (somehow) recognized the back of his head to be that of none other than SNL's chris parnell, who is balding and graying. he walked away really quickly. my friends think he was offended by the premature ejaculation conversation, and we speculate he's maybe a little sensitive about his own problem...?

Was at the Soy Luck Club in the West Village today and who should walk in? Lili Taylor of I Shot Andy Warhol, High Fidelity and Say Anything fame. I was so excited I wanted to yell out "Joe, you invade my soul!," but thought that an obscure 80s reference wasn't going to go over to well. She was wearing all white, with one of her pant legs rolled up like LL Cool J.

I saw Shandi from ANTM on Saturday evening walking down Houston Street. She was with some guy and they were laughing obnoxiously. She looked tall and geeky...kind of Screetchesque from Saved by the Bell.

Saw Janeane Garofalo in Washington Square Park the other day, walking her dog. Now, I know that people spot Janeane Garofalo all the time, so this isn't a big deal. What's more exciting is that she got rid of that awful bleached-blonde hair. Now it's back to black hair. Thank goodness!

Almost pathetic mentioning it but it was funny because he tried not to be noticed was that bald black guy from Letterman, I think Hal is his name outside their studio on 53rd all hunched over talking on his cell phone yelling at someone. Then a couple hours later on my way out of The Regency I saw Jessie Spannow herself, Elizabeth Berkeley, walking up Park @ 60th St. She was clutching a script to her chest, looking rather plain, nothing special.

i saw wendy williams walking down madison and 53rd this afternoon. she was wearing blue jeans, and short shirt with a fur collared jacket. and her hair was pulled back in a pony tail. which, btw, is HUGE. she stopped to look at jewelry at cellini's and then went into Strawberry's.

saw sam champion today on my way to lunch...41th street b/t 6th and 7th aves. he was dressed in very cazh...glasses, sweater and chinos w/ a backpack slung over one shoulder. was walking and chatting on his mobile phone. his hair looked really light...made me wonder if he's truly blonde as he appears on tv or is he going grey?!