Sarah Jessica Parker: So Damn Precious It Hurts

Sarah Jessica Parker is splashed all over the Transom column this week, leading us to wonder if she's New York's most omnipresent munchkin-woman. A snippet of the girlish chatter during the New Yorker festival's Q&A with writer Susan Orlean, in which an audience member's question leads to another cutesy quip from Parker:
Another brave soul dared to ask, "What really happened between you and Kim Cattrall?", and the room erupted with laughed and applause. "Uh, I think I went spontaneously deaf!" Ms. Parker said sheepishly before answering.
Too bad the reporters didn't do the same in time to spare us from the Parker's schoolgirl giggle-chatter from hell. Honestly, how many un-juicy quotes can you have from a single person?
Sarah And The City [Observer]