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We suspect that Chloe Sevigny, hipster actress with a penchant for bad, deconstructed "fashion," may have left acting in lieu of pursuing her dream of following modern rock legend Morrissey on tour. She's been spotted at TWO Moz shows in just ONE WEEK, leading us to believe that Sevigny has completely succumbed to her deluded fangirl longings and is now trailing Morrissey's tour bus by bicycle. After the jump, two reader sightings of Chloe at Morrissey shows in Boston and Asbury Park; do keep an eye out for her at this weekend's shows at Radio City and promptly report back to us.
UPDATE: She was spotted stalking Morrissey in Philadelphia, as well. The plot thickens.

Chloe Spotting #1:

went to the morrissey show last night at the orpheum in boston, noticed girl with long blond hair and absolutely hideous outfit (denim overalls tucked in to pointy ankle boots?). at first glance it appeared to be chloe sevigny, after getting closer realized that it was her. no idea what she's doing in boston but also saw her after the show. she was standing next to my friend and i with a group of several friends and one of them asked me to take a group picture with the morrissey marquee in the background which i don't think i got in the shot. she was smiling and laughing a lot which was surprising considering most of the pictures i see of her she's scowling.

Chloe Spotting #2:

last night at the morrissey show in asbury park (new jersey's own seaside town they forgot to burn down), chlo sevigny was directly in front of us as we entered the paramount theatre. she was by herself. later in the show, she was one of the people who decided that the middle of a song was the best time to try to meet morrissey by jumping on stage and clinging to him (the last song was cut short because the audience was running on stage at the rate of 3 every five seconds. unfortunately, we never got to my turn to run on stage and cry.)

Chloe Spotting #3:

I was at the Morrissey show in Philly last Saturday night, and while I didn't spot Chloe myself, according to the Philadelphia City Paper's A.D. Amorosi, "Chloe Sevigny showed at Morrissey's Tower show wearing overalls and lots of foundation."