Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Nicole Richie with DJ AM, Nicky Hilton and Todd Meister, Kate Moss, Albert Hammond Jr., David Fricke, Drew Barrymore and Fabrizio Moretti, Isabella Rossellini, Jon Stewart, Amy Smart, lots of Olsens, Jake Gyllenhaal, David Lee Roth, Rebecca Romijn (Stamos?), Monica Lewinsky, Hilary Swank and Chad Lowe, Josh Hartnett, Seth Myers, Jamie-Lynn DiScalia, Pedro Almodovar, Alec Baldwin, Tim Roth, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Rupert Everett, Ric Ocasek, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Liev Schreiber, Ethan Hawke, Lee Tergesen, Rob Huebel, Sum 41, Vincent Gallo, Nick Zinner, Greg Giraldo, and the other Stacy from The Apprentice 2.

While enjoying a mid-meal smoke outside NOBU I was witness to the arrivals of DJ AM with girlfriend Nicole Richie, Nicky Hilton and odd-faced publicist Jonathan Cheban en-route to Next Door Nobu. I thought it strange that they didn't go into NOBU, but, whatever. Back at my table 10 minutes later, Todd Meister checked with the maitre'd and was directed next door (hah). My dining companion, who could care less about the world of b-list socialites, thought it hysterical that Nicky Hilton's husband was named Todd Meister. He asked "as in THE toddmeister?"

Do you have to play with your hair constantly to be famous? Or does that just mean you're dumb? Cause Kate Moss, at least two Strokes (Julian and the afroed one), and Kings of Leon frontman Caleb Fallowill were all pulling and twisting at their locks as they hung out in the Bowery Ballroom basement after last night's show. Kate, looking stunningly beautiful with two members of her entourage behind here, was yakking constantly to some other blond about her boots, her jeans, her necklace, and I'm sure many other fascinating things. When he wasn't roving around the room, Caleb sat between them, looking nervous and awkward.

Lots of action at the Kings of Leon show: Rolling Stone critic David Fricke was rocking out in the front row to the maximum shreditude the Kings were dishing out. He wasn't wearing his usual safety glasses, however. Also, Strokes guitarist Albert Hammond Jr was getting kinda hectic in his own right. He and some annoying hiphop buddy of his kept drunkenly yelling and doing that "pointing at the band thing" when a particularly awesome riff or solo was delivered. He was with a gorgeous blond that really oughta be in pictures and I never wanted to be a Stroke so bad in my life. And last, but certainly not least, Kate Moss was there too. She was looking icy and despondent, and made her way (solo) across the floor when the show ended, to try and finagle her way backstage. However, the Bowery staff was not having it and they totally denied her! Ha! So, she sat down with a huff and started making calls on her cell. Some Jarvis Cocker look-alike eventually tagged along with her. As I left the show, she was still sitting on the steps and looking none too pleased.

Lately i've seen a lot of NY celebs around, so the other night when i was at the Loews Village East seeing I heart Huckabees, it felt totally inevitable, almost predictable, that i would see DrewAndFab going into the same show. He was eating nachos, or some kind of starchy movie food in a plastic tray, she was not. He looked exactly the way you think he does. She was small and super-pretty but dressed like a college freshman in oversized hooded jacket, flared jeans and sneaks. They seemed tense, but I saw them for a nanosecond so maybe I am just projecting my desires on to them. That desire being me doing it with Fab.

Wednesday night, 9:30 pm: skinny, pretty Drew Barrymore and her skinny, scruffy, large-headed Fabrizio Moretti at the concession stand of the Loews theater on 3rd Ave & 11th Street. Her: cherry icee. Him: nachos. Both seemed in good spirits. Not sure what they were seeing. Did I mention both were skinny? I always thought she was a normal-sized person from photos, but she is tiny. What does that say about the Hollywood types who look skinny next to her? I do think she outweighs her boyfriend, though.

Saw a rather glum-looking Isabella Rossellini (no make-up, still beautiful) on the B-train heading uptown with adopted son Roberto (who was resting his head on her shoulder, twisting his hair).

Jon Stewart walking with his wife on 12th st. and 5th ave. A baby was strapped to his chest in one of those snuggly things. Jon was wearing a pink sweatshirt and a cap. Pretty short, I am guessing 5'8.

Amy Smart: 12th St. and W. 4th. Coming out of a townhouse holding a blond baby. She had on a black sweater, jeans, and brown suede boots over the jeans. She looked gorgeous and thin. Is that her kid though? I didn't know she had a baby?

Today I saw one of New York's favorite monchichis, Mary-Kate (the anorexic one) arm in arm with on-again/off-again boyfriend David Katzenberg [Ed: Hmm, not sure on the Katzenberg thing, as they've broken up.] at Jill Stuart in Soho. She was in a green hat and bundled in layers of bohemian clothing, looking pretty happy. I was ecstatic. And then 20 minutes later I saw Julie Delpy at Marc Jacobs, but after seeing MK I really couldn't muster much excitement.

Saw the "fat" Olsen twin, Ashley, cruising down Prince Street in Soho yesterday afternoon (10/10), tightly gripping her beau's hand like it was a Teen Choice Award. She was rocking a jean skirt, some sort of floppy hat and a green purse. He was wearing a black T-shirt with white writing (couldn't tell if it said "Save Mary Kate") and jeans. Combined, they are about five feet tall and a buck o five. After racing across the street amidst "There's an Olsen twin!" whispers, they darted into a big, black chauffered SUV and headed back to, presumably, her $10 billion mansion in the sky to not eat dinner. Now that's a New York Minute.

Saw Ashley Olsen last night; around 6:00 at a cafe on the NW corner of Prince & Elizabeth. Sitting at a table close to the front door with a bearded boy; her focus was outside on those (few) looking in...

Uber-hottie Jake Gyllenhaal was sitting two tables away from me at Bar Pitti in the Village last night, dining with a group of friends. Tried not to stare as he sat there dripping hottitude while scarfing down a plate of tagatelli sugo. Sadly, no Atticus in sight.

Saw Diamond Dave [Lee Roth]last night on 5th st. and 2nd ave, looking a bit weathered. Told him he was the biggest playboy. He cooly responded as he walked away, "Not a playboy...just a gigolo."

Saw Rebecca Romijn-Stamos (is she still a Stamos?) walking (barely) on 5th avenue near the J. Crew store yesterday (10/7) around 2:30pm. RRS was arm in arm with another woman who seemed to be holding her up. Turned around to stalk a little and noticed that at one point her friend let go and RRS nearly fell. Given that it was mid afternoon, I'm guessing she was drunk or maybe hungover (like the rest of us). Was surprised to see that RRS isn't that tall but she did look good even if she was a bit lushy.

Last night as we filed out of our third-row seats at the Wilco show at Radio City Music Hall, Monica Lewinsky was blocking the aisle as she very matter-of-factly asked this brunette stranger in a tank top "Do you like girls?," to which the girl calmly replied 'No.' Then Monica turned to her friend - a drunk blonde in a tank top - and said 'See?! She's not into you, so just leave her alone!" I had seen Monica's blonde friend creepily moving in on the other girl during the last few songs, and I guess Monica was cranky that she was being so obnoxious. When we all got outside, Monica and the blonde hailed a cab.

Saw Hilary Swank standing on Bleecker Street in front of Senor Swanky's ("Mexican Restaurant and Celebrity Hangout") of all places. She had a huge Marc Jacobs shopping bag and was being gracious to a fan as hubby Chad Lowe pulled up (with small dog in tow) in a silver SUV to pick her up. She was wearing too much make up and too formal a dress for a Saturday afternoon so I can only guess they were heading somewhere fancy.

Saturday night: As I was enjoying a drink at the nameless bar on the NE corner of Houston and Elizabeth, I watched dozens of ought-to-be-too-cool-for-this patrons starfuck Josh Hartnett on the sidewalk just outside. He was sporting a hoodie and baseball cap, and some conspicuous facial hair, as if he was proud just to be able to grow it. Looked less buff than his "Black Hawk Down" days, but to his credit (or not), treated all star-fuckers with courtesy.

I saw Seth Meyers of Saturday Night Live last night (Thursday 10/7) at Bungalow 8, he was standing with a group of 3 or 4 good looking hipster like people. They were all laughing very hard at something he was saying, maybe he was doing his John Kerry impression for them. He has a really nice smile and is much hotter than when I saw him on the show. I wanted to ask him why he wasn't rehearsing but I was too shy.

Saw Jamie-Lynn Siegler [DiScalia] today (10/6, Wed) at Housing Works, a thrift shop on 23rd and 3rd. She bought a shimmery, cropped tie-around sweater. Looked cute, hair pulled bag, with a fabulous gold shoulder bag and a rock of an engagment ring on her hand (next to a simple wedding band). Was with her very New York-looking mother. Both seemed very nice.

spanish film director pedro almodovar and entourage (minus gael garcia) at fanelli's in soho at three am on saturday nite, happily posing for pictures and smoking a spliff IN THE BAR!

Saw Alec Baldwin on Bedford Ave filming 'Nailed Right In' at a meat shop. He was looking tall in all black and smoking a cigarette. Tsk. He cordially took autographs. My boyfriend wanted to ask him to say "Royal Tenenbaum bought the house on Archer Avenue in the winter of his thirty-fifth year." But I told him id break up with him if he did.

Was walking up 6th Avenue just below Bleecker Wednesday Night and saw Tim Roth sitting on a bench smoking a cigarette. A couple steps ahead saw Maggie Gyllenhaal eating outside with a couple of friends. At the next corner I saw Maggie's big-headed, cowboy boots wearing brother Jake having what seemed to be an intense cell phone conversation.

Ran into Rupert Everett (10/7) at Magnolia bakery. He got thick and not a good thick either...looked like he went on a week long drug binge (So not the look) and needed a real good scrubdown. He bought a couple of those yummy cupcakes and sat at the park across the street. Then I noticed when he finished, he walked away leaving the wrapping and the box there!! Didn't bother to throw it away when the trash was a few feet from him. What an asshole.

in the best indie rock gawker stalker I saw Ric Ocasek of the cars on Saturday at about 7:00 P.M. at the corner of avenue A and 5th street crossing the street with a book in his hand as my girlfriend punches me in the arm telling me who he was and me saying "I know he's that ugly guy married to that pretty model".. while walking up to a ice cream shop on 14th 6th avenue (yes I was walking a lot) I ran into Kathleen Hanna from le tigre/bikini kill with her hair down (big deal since she always has it up in a pony tail) crossing the street.

Philip Seymour Hoffman on the corner of 47th and Madison at 9:15am Friday with a young guy who looked like an I-banker. PSH looked disheveled but surprisingly handsome with his hair a mess and smoking a cigarette...sort of like that inspiring english professor that we all wanted to screw who always asked the demanding questions.

Liev Schreiber and Ethan Hawke, who arrived late in the evening, danced on the dance floor of the afterparty for the opening night of Richard III at the public theatre held at Mannahatta. The event went into overtime as they danced the night away.

Saw Ethan Hawke sitting with a group outside at Elmo last night at around 12:30 - he didn't look as blond and you'd expect but otherwise looked exactly the same. He was with two guys and two girls - the girls were across the table from him - no hanky-panky seemed imminent (they did not appear to be 22-year old Canadian models). He was sitting so I couldn't tell if his hotness was counterbalanced by his shortness, as is the sad case with most movie stars.

ethan hawke running out of jamba juice having a very loud conversation on his cell phone. No shit, he looks about three inches taller than the last time I saw him there.

Reality does indeed bite for at least one little girl. Yesterday I saw an approximately three year old child fall face first in the street near the SW corner for 23rd & 8th in Chelsea. The girl's toy fell into many pieces and she cried loudly with her face in the pavement. A short blond woman (nanny?) picked her up and handed her to Ethan Hawke while the child wailed. Fellow pedestrians picked up the pieces of the toy while he ried to calm her down. He was wearing an ugly brown trucker hat (did he not get the memo) and equally hideous brown corderouy blazer. Way to let your children play in the street! He tried to cheer her up by window shopping at a liquor store.

Thursday, 10/7 lunchtime passed Lee Tergesen (from OZ, currently in The Forgotten) on Madison at 27th.

I saw deliciously silver Rob Huebel a.k.a. Candidate Zero a.k.a. Inconsiderate Cell Phone Man a.k.a. UCB mainstay sitting in Union Square park Thursday afternoon. He was very a green t-shirt over a waffle shirt with ragged jeans. He was just pursuing some photos he must have just picked up from a nearby one hour. As I strolled by, he chuckled at one of the shots. Totally cute. Too bad he s a sellout Z-lister.

Delta flight 379, LAX-JFK. Sum 41 and its assorted hangers on in first class. I secretly hoped that a 'punk' band would liven up the usual crowd of Variety readers in First but alas, no dice. It was enlightening to realize that their band name is simply a statement of their collective weight; someone get these kids some hamburgers! I'm surprised they didn't get blown away by the air vents above their seats.

At PJ Harvey's wednesday show: Vincent Gallo and an unidentified tall blonde seated out of range of the plebs. And bopping along to Shy Child at Rothko thursday night: Nick Zinner (of Yeah Yeah Yeahs), digicam and standard-issue dyed-black female hipster in close proximity.

I finally popped my Vincent Gallo-sighting cherry not once, but twice on Friday evening. First I saw him carrying a guitar and walking towards Sixth avenue on W. 3rd st. in the Village with some blonde woman who didn't seem to be speaking English (not sure if she was with him but they were walking close together). A few blocks later, I realized I was walking in the wrong direction and as I turned around and walked in the right direction towards my destination, I see Vincent /again /walking towards the east side on Bleecker Street (and MacDougal). Maybe Vincent figured out he was walking in the wrong direction too...

I'd been living in New York for a month hoping for a celeb sighting. My wish came true today in the sexy Latino form of Greg Giraldo. Was with a camera man at the NYU campus (perhaps for a segment on Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn). I was sipping a smoothie when I passed him and smiled rather goofily. He just looked back at me with a slight smirk. Almost had the nerve to shout out my admiration for his quick wit, but like a loser, quickly kept walking. So the highlight of my afternoon!

Saw little Stacy from "The Apprentice 2" at Hale & Hearty soup in the Lehman Brothers building in midtown. Very petite, looks exactly the same as she does on tv. No one in the restaurant seemed to notice her.