Defamer Technical Difficulties: We're Back! We Think...

Hi! We're back! We apologize for yesterday's abbreviated delivery of the nonsense that at least three wage-slaves in the William Morris mailroom have come to know and tolerate, but there are these magical boxes called "servers" that forgot to snort their web-powering unicorn dust and instead took a long afternoon nap. There are some lingering problems affecting the entire Gawker Misfit Empire, and constantly-wedgied brother site Gizmodo explains them here. (Is he even writing in English?) For those of you who are trying to see Gawker, try this link.
Anyway, dear readers, things at Defamer seem to be operational, and we recommend that you check back at least every 15 minutes for new "content" and keep those tip-bearing e-mails coming!
Here are a few tidbits from yesterday that may or may not still be of interest, but we would have linked had the Great Server Crash of '04 not intervened.
· The WGA takes its collective balls out of the DGA's purse and renews negotiations with the networks and studios. But wait! The WGA elections are being challenged!
· LAist interviews Urban Legend screenwriter Silvio Horta, who describes how easy it is to become a millionaire within two years of moving to Los Angeles. Why didn't we think of that? We're so fucking dumb.
·Desperate Housewives is the biggest miracle since Jesus raised Lazarus. We may have the numbers wrong, but we think something like 350 million people watched it on Sunday night.
· Low Culture ponders the depth of Jimmy Fallon's closet.
OK, back to the show!