Hollywood PrivacyWatch: BenGar All Over Town

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our eagle-eyed, actor-stalking readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let Harry Hamlin know you think he's extremely unsettling to look at from distances of less than thirty feet.
In today's episode: A double BenGar (Ben Affleck/Jennifer Garner) sighting at the ballet (with a sub-sighting of Mira Sorvino and her boy-toy impregnator/husband) and on the 405, Nancy Reagan brunching with Merv Griffin, Lindsay Lohan working out/working off a night of partying, Kate Beckinsale looking phony on the 3rd Street Promenade, Scarlett Johansson out bargain-hunting at Fred Segal, Lauren Graham, the officially straight Macaulay Culkin eating at Hugo's, Ben MacKenzie at the DMV, Hal Sparks getting his nerd on, Amber Valletta, James Duval, Steven "Cojo" Cojocaru, and alt-rocker AJ Popoff.
· Had a great double-sighting on Saturday and Sunday - literally ran into Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner as I headed to my seats at the New York Ballet... they looked very happy together, although a little perturbed at the amount of attention they were getting. People, really, it's the ballet, have some decorum. (Mira Sorvino—looking very preggers—and Christopher Backus were also at the Ballet. Oh, and John Lithgow was IN the play. And damn good.)
Then lo and behold on Sunday was driving on Sunset Blvd. just east of the 405 and turned to see Ben driving Jennifer in a beautiful Mercedes SL55, and they were both staring at me. I was a little concerned that they thought I was stalking them since I literally had stared into their faces on Saturday as we crossed paths between seats, but then I decided they were stalking me and I lost them at the next light.
· I went to brunch yesterday with the parents. Good times: We saw Nancy Reagan eating brunch with Merv Griffin at the Hotel Bel Air. She seemed in good spirits. Merv's dog was there and had a much better haircut than I do. Apparently the hotel keeps the business there classy by not serving Cheetos.
· A haggard and bloated Lindsey Lohan skulked into Equinox West Hollywood around noonish Sunday. Baseball hat, clear framed big glasses, that wonderful "red head with a spray tan" complexion (or maybe that was just a hangover color). A little too "jiggly" for a girl her age and nothing to look at up close. Herbie shoot moved to Fontana this morning, so maybe she wanted to "work out" Saturday night's "Xes"es before call time today. No boyfriend, no star power, no youthful glow. No energy on the cardio machines either.
· spotted kate beckinsale walking on the 3rd street promenade. could she have any more plastic surgery? her face looked totally phony and she seems to like to pile that hair on top of her head like the ivana trump on 2004. what is her deal?
· Scarlett Johansson was picking over the racks of overpriced, leftover trendy shit on Saturday afternoon with the rest of us "bargain" hunters at the Fred Segal sale at Melrose. Not sure who she was with, just heard some vaguely whiny muttering directed to no one in particular when I passed by her. It Girls wanna save a buck, too. The height of fashion schwag season must also be a distant memory, sigh...
· At dinner at A.O.C. on Friday night saw a casually dressed Lauren Graham dining with a female friend. >From other reports I've heard she's polite to fans and friendly in general, an assumption which her demeanor Friday seemed to support.
· Macaulay Culkin and a guy had lunch at Hugo's on Wednesday. The guy was a foot taller than Culkin with shoulder length dark hair and looked 35-42 (I'm not good with ages). His t-shirt was tucked tightly into his jeans, mind you if he's Mr New Jersey then bad fashion would make sense. The most stylish thing however was their dog taking a crap, it could've been taking a piss but it was straining like it was passing a bowling ball, on the patch of grass outside the petrol station opposite Hugo's while they chatted away.
· Saw Ryan from the O.C. (aka Benjamin MacKenzie) at the Santa Monica DMV Thankfully he was wearing new silver tennis shoes (he seems to have an affinity for dirty sneaks every time I see him), the requisite black too tight tee and black track pants, ironically with 2 fake Adidas stripes. You'd think Mischa Barton would be aghast that he wasn't wearing brand name and near her perfect self. He had an appointment so he technically didn't cut. But the girl at the counter never recognized him-love it! P.S. He's my height, 5'4" MAX!
· Saw Hal Sparks outside the Buzz Coffee shot by the Virgin store on the corner of Sunset and Crescent Heights. He was carrying a rather large box and at first glance I hoped that it was a set of coffee mugs, or an espresso machine. Then his hair caught my attention, it was either blue or red some primary color. A bunch of people recognized him at once and he sort of modestly nodded and waved, it was nice of him. It was only after all this that I realized he was carrying a box of KISS dolls.
· saw model amber valletta at the whole foods market in santa monica. she was with her child who seemed to be incredibly amped up on sugar (she even commented on it!). the woman was incredibly beautiful and flawless without a stich of make-up on, and she seemed very nice and normal - bitch!
· I saw James Duval (the bunny 'frank' in the vastly overrated Donnie Darko) at the Coffee Bean on Sunset and Vine on Sunday. He was dressed all in black wearing some ironic faded black heavy metal tshirt. He was with some other actory guy I vaguely recognized sporting a moustache. I was going to ask him how Gregg Araki keeps getting to make movies, but thought better of it.
· Saw "Cojo" that freaky, emaciated sock puppet driving out of CBS/Beverly lot in a Mercedes that should be mine...except NOT in dark blue...looking like Melissa Rivers' thinner, uglier, tanner twin brother, Cojo was sullenly chomping on a big wad of gum...and I mean big as I could see from across the street. Cojo then pretended to be important by picking up his cell phone and talking and chomping...and chomping and talking....
· I spotted AJ Popoff of modern rock "remember them" band Lit at Ziing's in Fullerton. He was hanging out on the patio looking dejected and taking drags off a cigarette. It looked like he was waiting on someone who never showed around for someone and left [Looking a bit dejected I might add] after feeding an ashtray a few butts.