To Do: Tuesday Nights Are For Legends...And Bingo

1. Legendary Bingo at Brasserie les Voyous is a charity bingo night that includes such, ahem, legends as French Stewart, Taylor Dayne, and Ann Magnuson. Hey, it's for charity—they might as well call them "well-hung Oscar winning demigods" if it helps put fannies behind the bingo cards. Well, the ladies might not appreciate that, but you get the idea.
2. Tonight at the Museum of Television and Radio, longtime Defamer nemesis/crazed, chief MPAA pirate hunter Jack Valenti will take a stroll through memory lane and his life in politics with always-entertaining moderator James Woods. Tomorrow, we expect reports on Valenti's digressions into the time he shook a 15-year-old who illegally downloaded American Wedding so hard that Valenti had to have hip replacement surgery.
3. For you concert-attending pleasure: Wait for one of Badly Drawn Boy's signature on-stage meltdowns at Avalon; Space rockers Cave In play the Troubadour; G. Love and Special Sauce serenade sorority girls and the frat boys trying to get in their Abercrombie minis at the Ford Amphitheatre.