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Today's Page Six speculates that Tom Cruise and producing partner Paula Wagner are splitting up Cruise/Wagner Productions. Naturally, the rumor was met with the obligatory, reflexive denial by Cruise's publicist/sister/fellow Scientologist, LeAnn Devett: "Now why would they [split] when they are producing War of the Worlds and Mission: Impossible 3 together? Everything is fine." Of course it is! The Celebrity Centre must have instituted a new public relations curriculum, because her denial has sent us spinning into a series of self-doubting questions. If Cruise's own sister says that everything is hunky-dory in Tomtown, then how could it not be? How could they possibly part ways with two blockbusters still waiting to be shot? Do we think that when Cruise and Nicole Kidman divorced, they sold the kids to an organ farm in the Sudan? Isn't it obvious that Tom and Paula will be together forever, without even the limits of mortality dissolving their partnership, and there will never be room for another woman in his life?

Shit, she's getting really good at this.