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A Defamer operative forwards this choice quote from former MPAA head Jack Valenti's speech last night at the Museum of Television and Radio, where he discussed his career in politics before becoming the movie industry's 400-lb lobbying, pirate-hunting gorilla.

Valenti had great affection for Lyndon Johnson, whom he revered for his superb judgment. In his opinion, good judgment is what makes a President great, but good judgment itself is not taught, rather is an innate characteristic. "What is judgment?" he asked, rhetorically. "It's a little elf that lives between your belly and your brain."

Valenti then took a sip from a bottle of water before continuing, "And if you're not careful, that little elf crawls out of your mouth when you yawn. Then it becomes 'bad judgment,' rampaging through your home, hunting for a broadband connection to download the valuable work of movie professionals. Once it's finished making a mockery of copyright laws, it absconds with your ability to maintain an erection. Only then does the critter return to its elf-hovel inside your body. Also, Lyndon Baines Johnson was a very great man."

Related: Cinemocracy was also in attendance.