Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Candace Bergen, Heidi Klum with Seal, PJ Harvey, Drew Barrymore, Josh Hartnett, Lou Reed, John Turturro, Olsens (staring at Frank Whaley, no less), Tom Brokaw, Mos Def, Russell Simmons, Chloe Sevigny, Elizabeth Moss, Topher Grace, Paul Rudd, Jack Nicholson, Owen Wilson, Peter Dinklage, Todd Oldham, Chris Noth, Chris Kattan, Fred Schneider, Leo Fitzpatrick, and Celeste Holm.

On Sat 10/9 I saw Candace Bergen walking in to Zabar's E.A.T. on Madison & 81st St as I was walking out. She was wearing big sunglasses as most ladies do in the Upper East, but she was instantly recognizable.

I saw Heidi Klum, her baby and Seal looking into the Pleasure chest (7th avenue south) window last night.

Saw both PJ Harvey and Drew Barrymore at APT (sorry, it's the only somewhat decent place in the god-awful Meatpacking District). PJ was with a friend, and ended up being pretty friendly to all of the fans that bum-rushed her (and there were quite a few)... she was looking pretty hot, plus she obviously was a favorite of the doorgirl, who looked pretty damn starstruck. Drew was with a female friend as well... way inconspicuous and looking v.v. cute. No one really noticed her except the DJs, I think, who waved to her (and she waved back).

I saw Josh Hartnett in Tribeca on Saturday afternoon. I actually noticed the girl he was with first - the kind of just-rolled-out-of-bed pretty blonde hipster girl that can make you feel quite inferior while searching for coffee in your hangover sweatpants. Then I noticed the tall guy in a hat and sunglasses with weird facial hair walking next to her. It was Hotnett himself and my friend and I contemplated tripping the blonde. He was smiling and looks sweet, weird facial hair or no.

Saturday evening I sat next to Lou Reed at The New York Film Festival's showing of Pedro Almodovar's La Mala Educaci n. He appreciated me pointing out John Turturro a few rows away. Lou was not entirely dressed in black (which would have been a much better choice), and he was not with Laurie Anderson. He retrieved from his man purse on three separate occasions eye glass cleaning solution and lens polishing sheets. He never seemed quite satisfied with the results he was obtaining. I noticed that his index finger on his right hand looked peculiar, my date later joked that it looked like a toe.

Yesterday during my lunch hour, I spotted Lou Reed emerging from a luxury car on 6th ave. and 48th st. with a little tiny dog. I'm bad with dog breeds, so I can't tell you the type exactly, but it was a bit bigger than the tiny pups the likes of Paris Hilton carry around. (Oh, and he wasn't carrying the dog—the dog was walking on a leash.) He was sporting a t-shirt, jeans, sunglasses, and looked way older than I imagined he would.

Well, seeing that everyone has had at least one Olsen sighting in NYC, I had my first today. Saw a possibly hungover Ashley leaving Barney's on Madison Ave. Wearing those trademark sunglasses that cover up most of her face. Looking like a raggedy little doll..Short, hair everywhere, drowning in her clothes. Was being followed by a possible bodyguard who was calling out for her. Looked like she had a long night of partying from the night before, bc she looked like shit. or maybe thats just what she looks like normally. who knows. and who cares. well maybe i do.

Last night, at Da Silvano, saw Frank Whaley with a large table full of good looking ladies — directly behind, at a very small, tight table, was a trollish Ashley Olsen who couldn't stop looking at Frank and friends.

Tues Oct 12- As I was exiting the elevator on the main floor of Barneys on Madison around 1PM, who should be feverishly checking me out but the skinny, hunched over Olsen, Mary Kate I think. Stringy dark blonde hair (not as brown as it has been) , wearing a deliberately calculated grungy/hipster/boho chic outfit and a green Balenciaga bag. Her face is much wider than I have seen in pictures and it looked bloated. She didn't look good. Was with a nice looking guy with dark hair and I think a bodyguard. Her eyes darted up and down about six times checking out what I was wearing. The way she was checking me out, I expect her to be seen soon in the same stuff I was wearing- Dries Van Noten flowery camo top (available for purchase on Barneys 5th floor), vintage Levis, pointy slingbacks and Junya Watanabe black wool jacket. The funny thing is, I'm old enough to be her mother.

I rode up to Yankee Stadium for the first game of the ALCS right next to Tom Brokaw. He was wearing a navy blazer with gold buttons and a turtle-neck. The air conditioning was broken and the car was packed so we all had a nice shvitz on the way up there. It started smelling like a cattle car at about 125th but Tom never sweat a drop. I figure it was either his cool under fire or all the botox. When asked if he was rooting for the yankees by my friend he responded, "What do you think I would say in this train?" That guy is the man!

mos def with unidentified female companion at marc jacobs on bleeker street, saturday evening. looked like he was buying a load of stuff. wife had no idea who he was, but i was pretty impressed. cool job —- rapper, rock star, actor. cool.

Yesterday, October 11, on the corner of 75th & 3rd, I spotted Russell Simmons. He appeared to be by himself, Kimora Lee not in tow.

saw Stephen Sondheim leaving Vera Drake at the New York Film Festival at Lincoln Center. Smaller than I imagined. Hoped he would notice me and take me to his dungeon, but alas, I had to settle for the OBS of Company on my way home.

I saw chloe sevigny last night walking south on 14th and 2nd. She was looking morose and washed out, wearing a horrible mid-90's-style hip hop outfit — overalls stuffed into calf-high timberland boots. Mind you this was all topped off with a shlumpy sweater to complement her even schlumpier posture. Why is chloe slouching so much? did she pull a muscle servicing vincent gallo?

After clawing out my eyes and attempting to drink myself into oblivion during an atrocious set by Gang Gang Dance at the CMJ Irving Plaza show last night (10/13), I was still able to spot Ms. Chloe Sevigny and hangers-on. She was wearing a slip dress that was color my vomit would be later that night and big black boots but looked cute and friendly, chatting with friends and fans. I also had the sudden urge to run up and grab her ass. Oh and Kim Gordon was fucking hott as usual. When Sonic Youth launched into "Drunken Butterfly" I had the sudden urge to run up and grab her boobies. Maybe I'm not gay after all...?

Elizabeth Moss (Zoe Bartlett of the West Wing and the star of "Virgin") squeezed into a subway seat across from me and looking a little too hot to be that adorable 'tween we saw in the first WW season. Odd, sweet, and all kinds of casual sexy in hoody and full Co-ed ensemble. Surprised a she was on the West Side instead of the West Coast given that the season has started.

Saw Topher Grace looking quite dashing and unabashed at his movie premier after party.

This can be a gawker "exclusive:" Paul Rudd is way fat!! Is he depressed or just hungry, the man has gained 40 lbs.

Ultimate sighting: Jack Nicholson, sunglasses on, sitting with Amy Sacco at B8 had a little trouble finding the bathroom. When a waiter stopped him from walking into the kitchen, he threw his hands in the air, and said, "just looking for the bathroom baby." Also there was Owen Wilson, out for some serious ass.

Two sightings at Monday's 3pm showing of Huckabees at the Loews on 3rd Ave and 11th Street. Saw Peter Dinklage with short-ish (but not dwarf) lady friend. Smooched outside the theater before parting ways. At same show, saw Topher Grace. Also with a lady friend, but no smooching spotted.

Todd Oldham walking on 29th b/t 2nd and 3rd at 1:00 this afternoon. Walking with another guy. Grey backpack hanging on one shoulder. Regular jeans on, maybe a striped polo? Left hand in left front pocket. Hair kind of fluffy like he just walked out of a salon.

Yesterday (10/12) at lunch time I was heading to the Chase bank ATM on University Place between 8th and 9th and noticed a man was attempting to hold the door open for me. That s nice, I thought and looked at him to say thanks when I realized it was Chris Noth aka Mr. Big. He looked a tad scruffy with about a 2 day beard growth but he still was handsome and tall!

Chris Kattan walking down Broadway on the Upper West on Thursday night. Wearing a brown fleece-sweater combo, huge black sunglasses, and a black messenger bag. He's tiny and sort of oblivious in person- oblivious enough to match black with brown, anyway. Later, Jennifer Capriati slumming it on the D train en route to the Yankees game. Not sure who she was with, but he was hot.

I had the misfortune of browsing the five-cent records at Housing Works thrift shop on Seventeenth Street next to Fred Schneider from the B-52s. He was pissy, grabby and anxious. He kept sighing heavily and doing what my friend calls "claim-jumping" - reaching into my bin ahead of me because he couldn't wait his turn. Queen!

I saw Leo Fitzpatrick with an unidentified male companion while waiting in line for the Morrissey concert on Sunday night.

Don't know if you're interested in this, but I spotted Celeste Holm, best known for her role opposite Bette Davis in All About Eve, this Sunday at Alice's Tea Cup on the Upper West Side. I had just finished my meal and was on line to wash my hands in the tea salon's one restroom. Alice's is set up so that there's just one waiting area, so the restroom queuers converge rather inconveniently with the waiting customers. I was milling around when I spotted an elderly lady sitting and waiting for a table who bore a striking resemblance to the former Fox contract player. Since I had a bit of time, I said as much to her and she responded that she got that all the time. Her friend sitting next to her chuckled and then told me, "She is Celeste Holm." Needless to say, I was slightly taken aback and exchanged pleasantries with the actress for about a minute. Ms. Holm looks excellent for her age (85!) and seemed to be in great spirits. Nice to see her in person, 54 years after the film that made her a star.