Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: Grilled Cheese And 80s Cheese

A reader heads to Campanile for their vaunted Thursday night grilled cheese special, but seems to have stumbled upon an impromptu sitcom actor's convention, with musical guest Duran Duran lending to the surreal vibe. We had to so some frantic Googling to determine that the Duran Duran members mentioned are actually still alive, but we're now confident that she may not have hallucinated the entire event. Her report is after the jump.
Celeb trifecta at Campanile's grilled cheese night. We have Mr. David Schwimmer, taller than expected but otherwise unremarkable. Sean Hayes and Megan Mullally with seeming sig o's getting all g-rated huggy on each other; Sean taller and a bit heavier than he seems on tv but all kinds of cute, and Megan very petite and with excellently glossy hair. Rounding out the night were Simon Le Bon, Roger Taylor and Andy Taylor, sporting very nice, rockstar-issued suits...at first we remarked on the Lolita-esque women they were with ("were they even alive in the 80s?") but lengthy/closer inspection revealed women of a certain age whose Lohanesque wardrobes, embalming agents and pacts-with-the-dark-lord that this tipster can only hope of one day emulating. I do think the space time continuum warped in upon itself when Sean and Simon greeted and hugged one another.