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Stuff magazine, that one and only overtly-masculine publication dripping with images of scantily-clad women, features a real gem this month: an interview with Nicky Hilton, the newly-single socialite heiress who doesn't use the N-word. After the jump, Nicky gives us some cherished insight into her speedy nuptials with Todd Meister ("I'm an idiot") and reveals that, none too surprisingly, wicked sister Paris is to blame.

On her wedding:

We planned it out. Paris orchestrated everything - where we got married, where we got the license.

Why didn't you keep the wedding a secret?

I'm an idiot. When I signed the license, I thought the media wasn't going to pick up on it if I used my real name, Nicholai Hilton. Then I got home and turned on CNN and saw the story on the news ticker.

Do you ever get sister envy and want to be the wild one?

Paris is really young at heart - I'm the older one in the relationship. I'm always telling her not to do stuff. If she's wearing something really silly, I'm like, "Don't go out wearing that."