This image was lost some time after publication.'s Sean Bonner catches a movie at the ArcLight and discovers that either Variety or the anti-piracy-powers-that-be are now paranoid that camera phones are going to steal their souls and/or copyrights:

One of the theaters was roped OFF for some private Variety Magazine shin-dig and to get in to it you had to go through inspection which included being metal-detector-wanded by some beefy security guards. Were they looking for WMD? Nope. Camera phones. I overheard part of a conversation that went something like this "Sir and is this a cell phone in your pocket? Can I see it please? We need to make sure it has no photo or recording capabilities and if it does you'll have to check it outside of the theater and can pick it up when you leave." Hollywood and the MPAA can sleep safely tonight knowing that crappy low-res images or bad sound recordings of their precious little secret...won't be unleashed to the world and at least not today.

Compared to the clumsily executed camera phone ban, we hear that the body cavity search was refreshingly professional and efficient. They even heated up the latex gloves to body temperature before double-checking for hi-def recording equipment in guests' anal columns.