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Courtney Love graced a Manhattan court with her crackwhorish presence yesterday in order to plead guilty to disorderly conduct, a charge stemming from a March incident in which she gracefully chucked a microphone stand into the crowd at Plaid. While refusing to stand in the security line, she speaks the truth:

"The guy wants me to stand in line with everybody else," she said, smoking a cigarette and surrounded by a pack of reporters. "I'm not everybody else."

No, darling, you certainly aren't. But wait—Courtney's also vulnerable:

"It's scary standing in line with everybody else," she added.

You heard it here first: Courtney Love struggles not only with being absolutely psychotic, but with crippling anthropophobia. Have sympathy, people.
Courtney Love Enters Plea, And Nobody Else Gets Hurt [NYT]