This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

Our patron disaster-twin Mary-Kate Olsen has indefinitely taken to the wilds of her native Los Angeles — and US Weekly reports that our little girl isn't doing so well in her struggle against skeletosis. Now we've come across this disturbing image, in which MK's wrist seems to be cut in the fashion typical of many other despairing NYU students. Someone please help her; all we want is for Mary-Kate to return to New York so we can watch her downward spiral up close and personal.
UPDATE: Alright, sensitivity parade, if I honestly thought that was a cut on her wrist and not her skinny-ass vein popping out, I wouldn't have made a butter knife reference. I'm not completely insensitive to severe emotional problems. Just ask my shrink.
[Image via AllStarz]