This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

Celebrity Friendster profiles are so 1987, but when a helpful person helped us stumble upon Brandon Routh's entry (a.k.a. the new, "unknown" Superman), we couldn't resist sharing it with the world. His "About Me" section gives some insight into his humble, Midwestern beginnings:

My name is Brandon James Routh, or as many know me, B. J. for short. I'm from Iowa and moved here because I hate cows. No, that's not right. Cows are fine, but where there are cows, there aren't many acting jobs. So, I'm here!

It's not quite crash-landing in a Kansas cornfield as a refugee from a dying planet, but at least it's still got that farm-y feel. Also, note that the (probably long-neglected) profile honestly lists his occupation as "Actor/Bartender." If this Superman gig fails to resuscitate the franchise, at least he's got some skills to fall back on. At least he realized that listing his job as "Man of Steel" would have sounded a little too cocky. (Should the profile change or get removed, you can click on his picture to get a look.)