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· So many overpriced, rapper-sponsored liquors, so little time. Jay-Z plans on launching a cognac with Grey Goose to compete with partner(?) Damon Dash's Armandale vodka to Cam'ron's new Sizzurp cognac. Um, we'll keep on drinking Mohawk, thanks. [Page Six]
· Reality producer Mark Burnett has closed a deal for an "Apprentice-like" reality show with Martha Stewart. Contestants will beat gardeners and berate assistants in order to win Martha's approval. [Lowdown (3rd item)]
· Country star Wynonna Judd may be boycotted by conservative Christian groups if she performs on a lesbian cruise ship. More interestingly, Page Six erroneously identifies Wynonna as actress Ashley Judd's mother. Too bad Wynonna is her sister. [Page Six]
· Wisdom from actor Jack Nicholson in an upcoming biography that manages to catalogue his extensive sexual conquests: "It's the other woman I would never lie to. You only lie to two people in your life: your girlfriend and the police. Everybody else you tell the truth to." [R&M]