Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Election Edition: Democracy In Action

With the most important election in the history of people voting for things right around the corner, it's comforting to know that certain members of the Hollywood elite take their civic responsibilities seriously and ensure that their voices are heard before they go out of town to earn their staggering paychecks.
On Saturday morning I went to Beverly Hills City Hall to cast my early vote (I will be out of L.A. next week). Walking in right behind me was a dark haired, very tiny Renee Zellweger.
She was alone and giggled a "no" when asked "Ms. Zellweger, do you have your sample ballot?" Good to see the rich and famous participating in the process.
I must add that it was a bit of a shock that no one at the polling place checked anyone's ID. If you had a sample ballot, that was all they needed and in you went! (I didn't see, but doubt they asked for Renee's ID.) Vote early and often.
Not checking IDs at the polls? We'd never suggest that anyone compromise the integrity of the voting process, but who says democracy wouldn't be served if "Tom Cruise" cast twenty or so write-in votes for the ghost of L. Ron Hubbard?