To Do: Paper, Carlin, Shoegazing

1. Celebrate Paper magazine's two decades of discussing things that make us feel impossibly uncool and out of touch as its founders read from 20 Years of Style: The World According to PAPER at Book Soup.
2. George Carlin will be at Borders on the 3rd St Promenade to sign his latest book, When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? Don't expect any Hunter S. Thompson antics—we think Carlin's wilder days are well behind him, but at least he'll probably swear a lot.
3. Music round-up: Helmet thrashes at the Troubadour, while PJ Harvey thrashes somewhat less at the Wiltern. (Both hit the same venues tomorrow night.) And continuing our relentless plugging of free shows for our less liquid friends, Eskimohunter and Marjorie Fair do the shoegazing thing at Silverlake Lounge.