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In today's Rush & Molloy column in the NY Daily News, Peter O'Toole adorably vents his spleen about the disappointment that was Troy. What, Brad Pitt in a skirt wasn't a good enough premise to carry a mega-budgeted historical epic?

"Ugh, what a disaster," the "Lion in Winter" star said. "The director [Wolfgang Petersen], that kraut, what a clown he was. When it was all over, I watched 15 minutes of the finished movie and then walked out." But on the bright side, "at least I had one good scene"

It's always interesting when an actor has reached that special place at the tail end of a distinguished career where he can finally abandon pretense and speak his mind without fear of repercussion. Publicists are especially fond of this peculiar twilight time. While their superannuated clients' liberation from Hollywood politics often becomes a handful, they can easily and credibly blame their trashing of colleagues and casual ethnic slurs on an ill-timed Alzheimer's episode.