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· P.R. hellion Lizzie Grubman gets in trouble again—this time, her driver made an illegal left turn while she sat in the back with a Ghanaian child sans seat belt. No, that's not a misprint. [ELK]
· Conrad Hilton III, first cousin of Rick Hilton, has finally outshamed little Paris and Nicky by drunkenly berating staffers at the New York Hilton and subsequently getting himself banned from the establishment. [Lowdown]
· Bonnie Fuller-bashing is still hot; Page Six receives a six-page email from one of her minions at Star revealing that Bonnie is difficult. Shock and awe, people. [Page Six]
· Rush and Molloy taunt Page Six for lifting an item on drunken Peter O'Toole. [R&M (3rd item)]