Hey, Buddy, Can You Spare Some Change? These Roaming Charges Are Killing Me

Cellphones are everywhere now, so clichés about their ubiquity among L.A.'s constantly-yammering citizens are pretty stale. But Blogging.la's Sean Bonner notices something that may boost our city back to the top of the annoying mobile-obsessed heap. Check it out, even our homeless guys have Nokias!
I was walking into Gelsons when a scruffy looking guy who was sitting on the curb outside talking on a cell phone told the person he was talking to to please hold on a second and then proceeded to ask me if I had any spare change. For what? His roaming minutes? WTF?
We reread this a couple of times and realized our assumption that the unkempt gentleman is homeless is unfairly presumptuous. He was probably just Ben Affleck's agent, wisely preparing for the future.