My frigid heart is warmed by the display of celebrity civic duty:

Richard Johnson voted around 8am on 2nd street in the East Village this morning.

Ah, Page Six slave driver RJ leaves his compound on 2nd and 1st—just for America! And borough bigwigs come out in full force:

this morning while i voted at P.S. 321 in park slope, i was treated to a double dose of celebrities-in-the-hood: both Jennifer Connolly (extremely gorgeous, and tiny) and Chuck Schumer (not so gorgeous, pretty tall) cast their votes alongside their Park Slope neighbors. I didn't see this but apparently the two connected when Chuck introduced himself to Jen. Now there's a conversation I couldn't be less interested in hearing.

This is awesome. If I had an American flag, I'd wrap myself in it and run half-naked through "Democracy Plaza."