Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Who's Voting? Episode II

While we stepped out to renew our supply of cheap whiskey in plastic bottle with cartoon hobos on them, some celebrity voting sightings rolled in. No A-list whales have been spotted yet, so we'll just have to make due with the likes of Blair Underwood and Henry Rollins for now.
· Saw LAX's Blair Underwood dropping off his and his wife's absentee ballots in Sherman Oaks, CA.
· I had the pleasure of standing behind Henry Rollins at my Hollywood Blvd. polling place when it opened at 7:00 am. Oh, and he's very hot.
· Today in Hollywood Hills I saw a scruffy Chris Pontius from Jackass outside of the voting area. Also there was a high speed police chase that he was watching, not sure which was more important. Sorry?
[Ed.note: With all due territorial apologies to Wonkette, we present the following special, out-of-area voting sighting.]
· This morning, I was about 8 voters ahead of Jack Valenti at the polls here in the Palisades neighborhood of Washington, DC. He had his 10-month old chocolate lab with him and his assistant occasionally took pictures of Jack posing with the dog.
We're guessing that Valenti's fight with the DC poll workers to let the dog vote did not end well.