HPW: Who's Voting? Lily Tomlin Still Alive Edition

A reader notices a potential problem for Lily Tomlin's publicity team while voting in the Valley:
While voting at 7 a.m. in Sherman Oaks this morning, I found myself staring at the phony candidates' names used to illustrate how to use this year's ballot. While nearly all names were those of dead people (Bob Hope, Tennessee Williams, T.S. Elliott, etc.), I noticed Lily Tomlin's name. Odder still was that she was in line right behind me, waiting to vote. I hope her publicist can rectify the "dead, not dead" issue for her...
We know that this is a mind-blowing concept, but, generally speaking, being perceived as "dead" isn't great for one's career. But maybe in this case they could play up that tragic angle and get Tomlin's mourning fans out to see I Heart Huckabees, then stage a dramatic resurrection for her next movie. Just some free advice for the angry flack who'll probably be calling the election board in ten minutes.