HPW: Who's Voting? Cult Suffrage Edition

Reports from our city's polling places are still trickling in. This time a bite-sized actor from a prominent Scientologist family is caught exercising his right to vote.
That sure looked like Giovanni Ribisi going into my Los Feliz voting station this morning as I was leaving.
This, of course, raises a largely neglected question from the campaign season: Which candidate is more Scientology-friendly? We're going to guess Bush. While he doesn't necessarily love non-Christians, he probably respects the ferocity of their religious convictions.
And in other voting news, we're surprised to learn that "getting polled" by David Hasselhoff does not disqualify you from working at the polls. Good to know, though we're still not sure if this is true in every municipality:
David Hasselhoff's wife (and occasional Baywatch star) Pamela Bach was cheerily working as a pollworker at a polling location in Westwood.
If you're interested in the latest, piping hot polling data, sister site Wonkette is happily undermining the entire democratic system.