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We've got an immediate and exclusive report of a ruined marriage on the streets of Brooklyn (fyi, we're doing this UK tabloid-style). Academy Award-winner Jennifer Connelly has enraged her husband Paul Bettany while their innocent child looks on; a reader reports on the domestic crisis:

i was just turning the corner of montague and court street in brooklyn, when i noticed this couple in a heated argument. i did a double take because of the man's lovely british accent, and lo and behold it was paul bettany in a white long sleeved cotton shirt angrily repeating over and over to J.C., "It's all or nothing. All or nothing!" Nothing like having a private fight in the middle of rush hour. Jennifer was holding their little baby, whose orange ski cap made him look like an adorable little pumpkin.

Celebrity marriages crumbling in real time, thanks to the Internet.