Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: Frasier Does Civic Duty

We're endlessly fascinated by reports of the A-list exhausting all of their channels of influence and actually reporting for jury duty. A judge told Harrison Ford he "took it like a man" by bothering to show up at a Santa Monica court; Kelsey Grammer might just get a judicial reacharound for appearing in the 213.
Spending the day doing my civic duty at the Metropolitan Courthouse, in the same jury duty pool as none other than Mr. Kelsey Grammer.
Haven't spoken to him, as I'm not a particular fan and have nothing to say (though I like his work, I suppose), but it's nice to see him conduct himself with general graciousness and pleasantness as he waits the day out with the rest of us normal folk (in fact, waiting about three feet from me and this computer terminal in the jury waiting room). He's dressed nicely in a suit and is keeping mostly to himself, except when approached, in which case he's affable and smiley. He's reading some scripts and even ate —gasp— candy from the vending machine — peanut M&Ms, as it were. And there ya go, maybe this can be your "totally boring and uneventful but generally gratifying celebrity sighting of the day."