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Low Culture points us to this quote from Paramount exec/chief excuse-maker Wayne Llewellyn, who offers a theory for Alfie's dismal box office results:

Wayne Llewellyn, the president of distribution at Paramount, said that the conservative ethos reflected in last week's election results might have hurt the film.

"It could be the mood of the country right now," he said. "It seems to be the result of the election. Maybe they didn't want to see a guy that slept around."

Hollywood's going to get the opportunity to blame just about everything on the election for a while, but we actually got tricked into seeing Alfie this weekend. And although Jude Law's character has a fondness for pink shirts and talks with an accent that certain parts of this country might find slightly fruity, his penis doesn't go near any male orifices that would make red-staters squirm in their chairs. Better luck explaining away why your shoddy remake crap flops next week, Paramount.