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· Everything old is new again: another woman has stepped forward to claim she had an affair with Bill Clinton (in the hideous 1980's, no less) and is suing a Quaker school for harassing her about her tryst. [Page Six]
· Finally, Burt Reynolds' publicist has some work. Reynolds filed a preemptive extortion suit against his ex-girlfriend, Pamela Seals, in an effort to fill the void that Bill O'Reilly left behind. [R&M]
· Elton John develops Tourette's Syndrome on BBC's Radio 1 yesterday morning. [Scoop]
· Huckabees director and Times poster child David O. Russell makes an ass of himself in London when making anti-Bush comments. [Page Six]
· Former Manhattan borough president Andrew Stein screams about Shih Tzus in his limo. [Lowdown]