Hollywood PrivacyWatch: The Big Return

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let Halle Berry know you saw her toss that cigarette butt out of her SUV's window.
In today's election-delayed episode: Leonardo DiCaprio and Giselle pretending they like books; Kevin Spacey proving he can talk on a phone and walk at the same time; Kirsten Dunst boosting KE04 pre-election; Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor out among the overpaying plebes at the ArcLight; Danny DeVito, Rhea Perlman, and Elijah Wood at "Smile"; Tara Reid; Jon Voight; Sam Raimi; Amanda Peet; Tate Donovan; Jean Reno; Scott Weiland (x2); Brandy; Paul Reubens; Shannyn Sossamon and Eric Szmanda at ATP; Tom Green; Gary Coleman; Eric "Sex Addict" Benet; Chris "Project Greenlight" Moore; the Body by Jake guy.
· I spotted last Friday (Nov 5) Leonardo DiCaprio and Giselle Bundchen on West Robertson Blvd. in Los Angeles holding hands walking. They went into Storyopolis (a bookstore). He was wearing khaki colored pants and brown jacket and suprise! baseball cap and she was wearing jeans and a blue hoodie. I would have followed in but my friend (spoilsport) said I was being a stalker so didn't.
· saw kevin spacey walking down brighton way in beverly hills this morning. he was carrying a small valentino bag (a tie for his premiere, perhaps?) and was talking on the phone. it was early by beverly hills standards, but he still seemed very incognito...sporting a baseball hat and sunglasses with an otherwise not so casual outfit. unfortunately i have nothing else of interest to add to this sighting.
· Kirsten Dunst was 2 rows ahead of me in first class on an American Airlines flight from Miami to LA Saturday. She flew alone and walked on near the end of boarding time with a rolled up Kerry/Edwards poster wearing a K/E button (there was a Kerry rally with Springsteen in Miami on Friday night). She couldn't fit her rolling suitcase in the overhead so it was stowed away. She is Mary-Kate skinny — she held her purse in the crook of her arm and it looked like it might snap like a twig. She did seem nice to others though. The kicker — the movie on board was Spider-Man 2. She read the NY Times during the entire show.
· Saw Ben Stiller and wifey/Life Co-Star Christine Taylor at the ArcLight waiting in line at the concession stand. He is—surprise!—short, and opting in to the Salt-and-Pepper Club (delaying his eventual joining of Team Just For Men). She is probably more attractive in person than on-screen, but could probably use an extra helping of the ArcLight's real butter on her popcorn. (I mean that strictly in a dietary, nonsexual, way.) They eventually went in to see Sideways. Shrugged off noticing Survivor's Jerri Manthey once blinded by Stiller's star-power. Better luck next time, reality C-lister.
· At the Brian Wilson "Smile" concert at Disney Hall election night, we saw Danny DeVito, Rhea Perlman, Elijah Wood rocking and smiling to the sounds of Beach Boys music.
· I saw Tara Reid at the Yanna-K fashion show at the Standard last night. She was sitting at a front row seat by the runway but trying to hide herself under a white floppy hat. She must have been a bit drunk though, so what else is new, because she said this great line, when she walked back into the hotel from the pool area where the show was, "Ahh its too bright in here I have to get out of the light"
· Saw Jon Voight @ a little after 11 AM southbound in the crosswalk of Ave Of The Americas @ Constellation in Century City. He looked good, wore an expensive suit & offered up a "hi". As a "Midnight Cowboy" fan I consider sharing a crosswalk with Jon Voight the equivalent of riding the trail with John Wayne. The funny part is I gave directions to a Taiwanese news crew 3 minutes later in town for the "Alexander" junket, they got face time with Angelina Jolie the day before & were disappointed they missed her father.
· Saw Sam Raimi and family bowing down to The Incredibles at the Avco theatre in westwood.
· saw amanda peet on rodeo dr. on thursday afternoon. she was shopping with a friend, and didn't look as fresh faced as i expected her to. more suprising was the fact that she shops with the plebes...the club monoco bag she was carrying was twice the size of her chanel shopping bag.
· Spotted The O.C.'s own Jimmy Cooper, aka Tate Donovan, walking into Finn McCool's on Main Street in Santa Monica on Sunday. He was carrying what looked like a small instrument case, which I suspect secretly contained Mischa Barton's silverware. That would explain a lot.
· Moved to LA last weekend and already have my first sighting! Saw Jean Reno AKA Leon AKA The Professional — at American Tire Depot in Hollywood, looking *exactly* like he does in all his movies — but driving a phat silver Jaguar. I knew it was him because he was wearing a silk cravat and he had a glass of milk — ok I'm lying about the milk. I was gonna say something to him but I was afraid he'd hack me up and dissolve my fleshy bits in a bathtub of acid for blowing his cover.
· Spotted former Stone Temple Pilots/current Velvet Revolver frontman Scott Weiland exiting The Ivy with what I assume was his son. He was in black dress pants, white long-sleeved button-down shirt and black vest, looking gaunt and slightly jaundiced but not high, which I suppose is an improvement. He put the kid in the back of a black Escalade and leaned against it, sighing heavily. Lunch with the parole officer, maybe?
· So I was on my lunch break with my friend when we decided to pop into the Starbucks in Burbank just off Pass last week. Then, this emaciated guy with purple hair and skinny jeans walks in and gets in line behind us. So, I order my egg nog latte and move over to the counter to wait for it. That's when Scott Weiland got up to the register to order. "Can I get an egg nog latte. And is there any way to get that non-fat? Oh yeah. And I want a chai too." I don't know about you, but to me, nothing screams bad-ass rockstar like a non-fat egg nog latte.
But the best part was when Scott scootched over between my friend and the newspaper rack to peek at the day's L.A. Times, allowing his tiny jeans to slide down and reveal his even tinier ass crack. Thanks, Scott.
· saw brandy 'backstage?' (i'm not sure how they refer to that at sporting events) at the clippers pre-season game on thursday night. apparently she's there all the time supporting her fiance. she had just come from a performance, and was wearing an all pink cashmere sweatsuit. sy'rai did not seem to be in attendance... was she with the faux ex-husband?
· I think my favorite celeb sighting ever. Last Thursday at Schwab's I saw Paul Reubens (yeah, Pee Wee
Herman) having lunch. He was in that oh-don't-notice-me-okay-notice-me outfit of all black and sunglasses. No sightings of Chairy or Samuel L. Jackson in a mailman outfit. He looked old and bloated.
· All Tomorrow's Parties sightings: Saturday: A blond Shannyn Sossamon at the Filter after-party on the Queen Mary, then in the Observation Bar buying shots of Jaegermeister. Sunday: Eric Szmanda at Peaches. I should have asked him if he could f*** my hangover pain away...
· Saw Tom Green and his parents at the Arclight Cinema on Sunday - they saw RAY
· Gary Coleman sighting: Eating at the new Italian restaurant in the Century City mall. He was sitting by himself and the waiter I wanna say was presenting him with a box of teas, he seemed agitated, like he always does. Wrinkled, weathered, some grey hairs I believe, angry little man, angry.......
· saw eric benet hitting on some random at the coffee bean in the valley. she had no idea who he was and he was trying to strike up conversation while they were waiting in line. cheesy.
· Chris "Project Greenlight" Moore was at the same "Incredibles" showing as me Saturday night in Santa Monica. Like my friends and I, he and the woman he was with arrived after the theater was mostly full and thus had to sit in the front row. As it was a movie, I have no behavior insights to offer, but it didn't look like he tried to use his kinda fame to get better seats. So there's that.
· Nothing too exciting, but today I saw the Body by Jake guy come out of a neighborhood in Brentwood, and head west on Sunset towards Palisades in his green Range Rover. Certainly not A-list, but not too shabby for hawking the Bun and Thigh Rocker and other crap!