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Psychotic songbeast and professional beard Liza Minnelli is in trouble again. Once she was done beating the shit out of freak former husband David Gest, Liza allegedly assaulted her chaffeur, M'Hammed Soumayah—that is, when she wasn't forcing Soumayah to have sex with her. Soumayah is now suing Minelli for his pain and suffering (and psychological damages?). The 6-page lawsuit is disappointingly threadbare of details, but Soumayah claims he has "physical evidence of his nonconsensual sexual relationship with Minnelli." What sort of physical evidence this might be, we can't say, but you can bet we'd rather disembowel ourselves than have a look at any sort of goods related to Liza's sex life.
Minnelli Hit With Sex/Violence Lawsuit [TSG]