At first, we didn't quite believe it: we heard that the Bush twins showed up for a table at tasty Lower East Side hotspot Freeman's and were promptly told by the hostess that there wouldn't be seating available for the next four years (so best). We totally confirmed the report, but then Freeman's owners wrote us a stern denial once word spread (as it is wont to do on this superhighway of ours). So, in order to settle the issue, we put on our trenchcoats and fedoras and went to Freeman's for dinner. On the way out, we moved in for the kill with someone who seemed to be in charge:

GAWKER: Hey, dinner was great. Thanks. By the way, I read something on some website about the Bush twins coming in here...
FREEMAN'S (with faux wide eyes): Oh, God, I've heard about that.
G: So is it true?
F: Um, well, nobody knows.
G: You mean not a single employee was working when the incident allegedly happened?
F: Um. Well... We don't know.
G: You really don't know? That's funny. Well, I hope it's true.
F (visibly uncomfortable): Heh. Um, yeah.