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Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to and let Cameron Diaz know her treadmill technique leaves something to be desired.

In this episode: Jude Law rising above a Leeza Gibbons publicity failure at Fred Segal; Billy Bob Thornton smoking at Mirabelle; Jake Gyllenhaal and intellectual family listening to Robert Thurman and David O. Russell; Katie Holmes working out; Orlando Bloom and Kate Bosworth shoe shopping; Justin Timberlake, getting friendly with his crew at the Chateau; Teri Hatcher; Ashlee Simpson; Liza Minelli; Danny Masterson, Bijou Phillips, Samaire Armstrong, Ashlee Simpson, Jessica Simpson, Nick Lachey, and Nicky Hilton; Masterson and Phillips again; Adam Brody, Rachel Bilson, and Jason Bateman; Steven Weber and Larry David; Larry Flynn Boyle; Vincent Gallo; Bonnie Fuller; Jason Schwartzman; Jerry O'Connell; Andy Dick; Suge Knight; Anna Nicole Smith; Monica Potter; Kevin Nealon and Jon Lovitz; Ryan Starr; William "Sweep the Leg" Zabka.

· Saw Jude Law and his entourage upstairs at Fred Segal on Melrose today (i.e., the ridiculously expensive section) trying on suits. On the way downstairs to the more plebian sections of Fred Segal, after probably having my best celebrity sighting ever, saw Leeza Gibbons attempting to do a CD signing in the gifts department. There was a camera crew and everything set up to chronicle and publicize Leeza's "event," but unfortunately there were no fans waiting to have their CDs signed. No one was biting, and poor Leeza was holding court alone, although I think her crew managed to get someone to pretend to buy her CD for the cameras and have it signed. He lingered a while and then the table was back to being tumbleweed territory. Poor Leeza, any semblance of star wattage she may have had today was vacuumed up by Jude Law and his Sexiest Man Alive momentum upstairs.

· Saw Billy Bob Thornton at Mirabelle's last night smoking endless smokes and drinking what appeared to be scotch. He is much much slighter in person than in the movies (thank you padding!) and looks about 15 years older than he does on screen.

· Last night (11/15) Jake Gyllenhaal was at the Central Library downtown for the dialogue between Robert A.F. Thurman, Buddhist prof, and former student/film director David O. Russell (why do all these people use their middle initials?). Jake was running up the dry-cleaning bills in a white cashmere sweater, plaid scarf, and flanked by his parents. The family was all cozy and commenting to each other during the talk, and Naomi (Mom) asked Thurman a question, but the audience mike didn't work, and Russell ran down to her and handed her his mike (whereupon she said, "Thanks, David.")

· Beverly Hills LA Sports Club last night (Monday) - worked out on treadmill next to KATIE HOLMES. She was stunning and better looking with NO make-up, wearing back tights (does she have bad legs?) and a yellow jetsons shirt as the sweat glistened on her forehead. Some boner trainer tried to pick her up, not noticing her ring. She just glared at other gym wannabees as they stared at her.

· I literally ran into Orlando Bloom on Saturday as he was shopping for shoes/taking up all available space in Undefeated with Kate Bosworth and their two well-behaved dogs. He kept flittering between the wall of shoes and Kate while she sat on the bench looking bored and staring straight ahead so as not to acknowledge recognition by the other shoppers and ended up bumping into me. He said sorry and looked back either to make sure that I wasn't mad or else to confirm that I recognized him. They were both dressed in the prerequisite ultra-rumply Fred Segal outfits and neither one jumped out as being stunningly attractive to me.

· After his round with paparazzi outside LA's hip Chateau Marmont, I would have expected seeing Justin Timberlake to being a frightening experience. But I have to say that Mr. Timberlake is one of the nicest celebrities
(and that is saying a lot coming from me) that I have ever seen. JT's behavior on the set of Alpha Dog has been admirable: last night he was all smiles around cast and crew, even sitting down amongst the common folk—being crew and extras—during dinner. And as far as his good mood was concerned, he didn't seem to be thinking much about ol'-whats-her-name-Diaz and rumors of their reported split may be true as he had a bevy of beauties swooning over him and didn't seem to mind one bit.

· this weekend i saw a particularly ghastly teri hatcher "eating" at doughboys on saturday. she sat with big ass jackie o-don't-look-at-me glasses with some unknown pushing food around on her plate. i saw her take (maybe) 3 bites, but i think it was french toast, easier on the way up i hear ;)

· Sunday night, hanging out at a friend's house after the AMAs and lo and behold who is there but a very chipper Ashlee Simpson seemingly totally wasted and aggressively flirting with James Valentine from Maroon 5.

Police escorts, cameras flashing—thought I was witnessing some sort of crime scene. Instead, it was Liza Minelli. Guess I wasn't that far off.

· as seen at 'guys' on sunday night: danny masterson with his straight edge girlfriend bijou phillips. samaire armstrong...are you shocked? and here's where it gets good: ashlee simpson wearing some awful sparkly top. jessica simpson in little black dress w/ bodyguard and best friend cace cobb. nick lachey sitting on the other side of the room from jessica and nontourage jessica's hairdresser ken paves and nicky hilton who also arrived as part of the simpson nontourage posse.

· saw danny masterson and bijou phillips at blonde redhead sat. night. i made sure to stay away from her purse.

· I walked in to Melrose's Coffee Bean yesterday (Saturday) around 11 am and held the door open for Adam Brody. He said Thanks, a cup in each hand, and proceeded out to meet (who else) Rachel Bilson with dog in tow. About an hour or so later at the Grove, we were on the 6th floor parking structure and riding the escalator was Jason Bateman talking to a blonde.

· LA FARM Restaurant, Thursday, November 18, lunchtime: Steven Weber, with woman (wife?) and child, wearing lowriding baggy jeans and showing off his black calvin underwear talking with Larry David, sporting curb-like threads. The two were talking about recent "Producers" experiences.

· Lara Flynn Boyle: Friday night at Century City Mall with friend going into the movies. She actually looked like she had put on 5 lbs or so.

· a little tidbit related to the Morrissey/Chloe phenomenom. In L.A. at the Universal Ampitheatre Thursday night Morrissey show, apparently Vincent Gallo was in the pit, gallantly fighting for a piece of the great one's shirt, which he had
thrown to the crowd, who then pounced on it like a pack of wild hyenas. Not sure if Vince got a piece, but I don't think he did. I didn't see him myself (this is what other fans reported), though I see him on the LES often enough, as does everyone else—I was in the pit as well, but I only had eyes for Morrissey. Maybe he wanted to bring the scrap back for Chloe?

· Bonnie Fuller was haranguing three poor females at Koi on La Cienega last night. Looked mucho unpleasant.

· On Sunday at around noon, I saw Jason Schwartzman hipster-ed out and waiting with a young gentleman friend to eat brunch at Lulu's on Beverly. They decided to eat lunch outside in the cold, and sat together on the same side of the table facing away from most of the restaurant. My bf thinks it was a date, but it was a bit unclear. The boy (Jason) does have a nice head of hair though. Glossy.

· I saw Jerry O'Connell smoking a cigarette outside some karaoke bar in Koreatown. He was hitting on these 2 girls, who were decidedly nasty. Dude when you're Jerry O'Connell and you're with Rebecca Romijn (they are still together, yes?) you don't flirt with nasty girls- you THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS!

· As much as I hate to spoil Friday's inevitable Blind Vice punchline, I'm just busting out with my first ( or 'virgin') real-life sighting of Curly-Headed Indomitable Pansexual Superannuated Moppet, Andy Dick. Chills! It was at Lucques on Sat. night. He was with a shortish, dark-haired man-boy, and as far as I could tell the meal lacked the pharmacologal element I had come to expect...

· I was driving down Wilshire Blvd. in Beverly Hills yesterday near Rodeo when I happened to see a very smooth looking silver Mercedes with blindingly shiny rims in the right lane next to me. My curiosity got the best of me so I pulled along side to see who the owner of this fine machine was. I was shocked to see the scariest man in Los Angeles behind the wheel. No, not Jack Valenti, but Suge Knight! Luckily he was talking on his cell phone and didn’t catch me eye ballin’ him, which I know is a shivable offense in the state pen. I wisely let him pull away and retreated to safety.

· saw anna nicole smith fresh from her drunken AMA moment shopping with assistant and bastard doggie in tow she stood and gawked at the items in the window of anthropologie (i think until she realized it was anthropologie) and quickly moved on to more typical fare like prada, gucci, etc... oh and she looked wrecked as well.

· Saw monica potter at the grove with kids in tow pretty (not "hot", but not bad) and looking great for her age. waved hi. but she was nice enough to give me one of those i don't know you but hi anyways smiles.

· I'm in the Apple Store at the Grove tonight (Monday), waiting for my appointment at the "Genius Bar" (it's taking forever). Kevin Nealon is in front of me. The appointment board actualy read "Kevin N." - I guess he wasn't trying to go incognito. Jon Lovitz is loitering around on the first floor of the store. I guess they are more inseparable than I thought.

· I had a not-so-electrifying sighting - Ryan Starr (late of American Idol and the Surreal Life) at the 24 Hour Fitness on Vine and Hollywood. About 3 pm. That young lady should chew on some calcium supplements: her body forms an S curve, with her shoulders hunching forward. She didn't seem to jazzed about her workout, and ended up calling some folks on her cell phone.

· I was making my way to vidiots on Pico to check out Elf. It was pretty crowded so I fought my way through the peeps to the Special interest section to try and find this Russain buddy flic my friend told me about. I may have been seeing things, but I swear William Zabka aka Chaz aka Johnny was wandering throughout the store. I tried to spark up the old" How's Machio" or "Is it true about the Dragon Morita" conversation but he just looked away...