To Do: Moore, A Mystery, A Monster

· Haven't had enough of Michael Moore in 2004? Want to get close enough (but not too close, he's got bodyguards) to touch him? America's favorite bullhorn-wielding documentarian/polemicist is sure to divide crowds at a Q&A following a screening of Fahrenheit 9/11 tonight at the Eqyptian. Actually, it's Hollywood, so he's probably going to be carried out on everyone's shoulders as confetti drizzles down. The Funkyjenn Gazette has instructions on how to get into the screening. [via LA.comfidential]
· Everclear, a band we're almost certain broke up five years ago, plays the House of Blues. A good option for musical mystery fans looking to get to the bottom of this.
· The two-day celebration of Godzilla's 50th Anniversary ends with a screening of Godzilla Final Wars at Grauman’s Chinese Theater. We regret to inform you that you've already missed the ceremonial destruction of Tokyo.