Alexander's Tragic Buzz Taints Angelina Jolie

Say one thing about Oliver Stone's glorious flop-epic, Alexander: People are still talking about it. Now that the media's burned itself out talking about Alexander's moony stares into his lover's eyeliner-encircled baby blues, the disappointing lack of graphic eunuch-fucking, and Colin Farrell's follicular adventures with bleach, Angelina Jolie (perhaps the only good thing in the movie, excepting Rosario Dawson's sex scene) has now come under scrutiny. The LAT rounds up some of the prominent theories about Jolie's accent of mysterious provenance:
"An accent that seems to have been borrowed from George Hamilton in 'Love at First Bite' … " (Associated Press, referring to Hamilton's Dracula role)
"Some sort of Germanic accent." (Indianapolis Star)
"Some wacky Natasha Fatale accent." (Long Beach Press-Telegram, alluding to the Russian secret agent of TV's "Rocky and Bullwinkle")
"Part Yiddish mama and part Natasha." (New York Times)
Interesting theories all. Our best attempt at describing Olympia's puzzling accent is, "Half-Russian, half-Afrikaaner galley wench midway through a peyote vision quest. Also, she spent a semester studying in London."