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Why doesn't anyone write us back?

Subject: Question For Attribution
Date: 12.01.2004 8:32 AM
To: Anderson Cooper
From: Gawker

Hi Anderson,

So: we LOVE you. What's up with the "we," darling?


UPDATE: We are so totally in love!

Subject: RE: Question for Attribution
Date: 12.01.2004 3:40 PM
To: Gawker
From: Anderson Cooper

Thanks for your email. Regarding your question, the transcript is incorrect. I said, "you." I don't know who makes the transcripts, but i will find out, and let them know of their mistake. i'd be happy to send you a copy of the tape. Let me know your address. ac

Subject: RE: Question for Attribution
Date: 12.01.2004 3:40 PM
To: Anderson Cooper
From: Gawker

Great to hear from you. Will happily add your comment to the aforementioned post.

Love the commercials, btw.

Anderson Cooper's Pronoun Problem [Wonkette]
Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees Transcript, 11.29.2004 [CNN]