You know we love Daily Candy, the email newsletter that points us in the direction of the finest sample sales and all the sparkly things this city has to offer. But they're not just pretty—they're professional, too! Just yesterday, Daily Candy editor-at-large Dannielle Romano wrote to Manhattan Users Guide to notify MUG of an error in their newsletter:

We did get a note from Dannielle Romano, the editor-at-large of Daily Candy, that we wanted to share with you (we also got an obscene one from Allison Griffin at Conde Nast, apparently a friend of Ms. Romano's, that's too ugly to reprint, but includes a suggestion on where the tickets she bought might be thrust into the body of MUG's publisher).

What an embarassment [sic]. For someone who couldn't be more pedantic and small, or more of a know-it-all, your gross error today must be humiliating. Somehow it doesn't surprise me that the one time you actually write something interesting (oh wait, the one where you interviewed yourself spewing bitter inanity about Zagat was hilarious) you screwed it up royally. Looking forward to your next screed about what's wrong with everyone but you. Great work, as always!

[Note to Dannielle: your name shows up even if you don't sign your email and you're emailing from a Yahoo account without your name in the address.]

Gosh, this doesn't sound like Dannielle. Whenever she writes in to us, she says sweet things about how we're "adorably pudgy."
Unringing The Bell [MUG]