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The Defamer Special Movie Premiere Food Critic's report from last night's Hotel Rwanda presentation caused us to ponder one of the industry's most pressing dilemmas: How much food does one order for a party following a movie about African genocide? Too little, and one risks a room full of disgruntled Academy voters with rumbling stomachs; too much, and the event becomes a glaring example of Hollywood excess. Luckily, such questions became moot when our critic's memories of the film's topical atrocities floated away in a river of chocolate.

First, it is not directly a food issue, but definitely seemed to be a consumption issue: Harrison Ford introduced the film, making a five minute speech about human rights during which he seemed in serious danger of falling asleep. The fight to get out every word was very painful and makes one think that maybe we should retire these Indiana Jones 4 ideas before someone gets hurt.

As for the food... After a two hour romp through African genocide, boy were folks ready for a good buffet. And once you pushed your way though the stampede to the food tables, the Academy delivered. Okay, it wasn't wildly creative, no yaks blood polenta or reindeer carpaccio, but this was the third premiere I've been to at the Academy and they always give you good solid American food and don't skimp on the "all you can eat" promises.

The main buffet consisted of little tri-tip sandwiches, roast turkey on zucchini bread, mashed potatoes, a very tasty Roquefort salad and some grilled autumn vegetables, squash and whatnot. Okay, not an exciting selection but hearty and well done. More interestingly, there was a special soup buffet, featuring corn chowder, pumpkin and tomato soup. I had the pumpkin with some roasted pecans and it was very nice. The problem, however, is how do you eat soup from a bowl when you cant find any free flat surfaces on which to place your bowl? The answer I came up with was to put the bowl on a plate and hold the plate with one hand while maneuvering the spoon with the other. A precarious solution, especially considering I was constantly being jostled in the overcrowded lobby, but I remarkably finished the bowl without spilling on Matt Damon. Much as I might've liked to.

Also standing nearby, I think I get some sort of prize or get to ride on a float in next year's Hollywood X-mas parade, for seeing these two celebs in one frame: Party pig Michael Moore and The Lord Himself Jim Caviezel working the room just inches away from each other.

The main event, as it usually is at premieres, was dessert, and here was where the Academy pulled out their big guns: A piping hot chocolate bread pudding served with whipped cream. It was all it promised to be and by the time I'd finished my third helping, it was like the Rwandan genocide never even happened.

[Photo: Getty Images]