To Do: Waters, Equestrians, Walking

· Get into the spirit of the season with It’s a John Waters Christmas at UCLA's Royce Hall, featuring a pre-show meet and greet with the auteur himself. Hey, drag queens who eat feces are still more Christmas-y than anything the Scientologists can cook up.
· Join the worst-dressed Queer Eye makeover specialist (we're talking about Carson Kressley—oh the irony!) as he presents his new book, Off the Cuff, at the W Hotel. Fun fact you will only discover if you followed the link: He's a "nationally ranked equestrian," which explains the disturbing jodhpurs fetish.
· If the winter chill that's crippled the city doesn't scare you, check out the Downtown Artwalk. And by "chill" we mean "any temperatures below 60 degrees." Oh, west coast livin' has made us so very soft.