Somehow, we totally misplaced our invitations to a major nightlife event for adolescent girls looking for virgin cocktails and rhinoplasty consultations (can you imagine the Party Crash photos?). Then again, had we actually attempted to attend said event, we likely would have left with a nasty case of bulimia:

The girls had been invited to the nightclub by Steven Pearlman, a Park Avenue plastic surgeon. The soir e served as a kind of self-improvement open house, where high-school-aged girls unhappy with their appearance could consult with experts in facial cosmetic surgery, diet, exercise, skin care and hair styling.

"It s not just a nose job these days," said Dr. Pearlman, who has a Cheshire-cat grin and bears a faint resemblance to the actor James Spader. "Girls gain confidence after their surgeries and want to improve many other elements of their appearance. For example, girls with big noses often have big, frumpy hairdos. We can direct them to a stylist who can help fix that."

NB to Manhattan teens: you're only half as good as you could be post-op.
The Nose Knows [Observer (2nd item)]