Short Ends: The Siren Call Of The Mystery Booty

· If you're inviting boys over to the ranch to look at some harmless porno mags, always, always remember to wipe off the fingerprints. Off the magazine, sicky.
· A Stuff magazine web page inadvertently becomes a comparative study of Tara Reid's pre- and post-surgery breasts.
· The siren call of the Mystery Booty lures journalist Seth Mnookin to his eventual doom.
· We've never seen the show, but today's entry from the blog of two contestants seems to have a lot of people excited.
· "A Conversation Between Me and Pop Sensation Lindsay Lohan, In Which She Speaks In Song Titles From Her Latest Album."
· Don't judge: The holidays can be a very lonely time, and everyone deserves a little companionship. [via Screenhead]