Defamer Party Planning Dept.

In January, after what will be about eight months of this site's existence, the Gawker Media mothership is attempting to throw a party for Defamer. This raises some interesting questions: Where the hell should we have this party? Do you own a nightclub, bar, or personal residence you're dying to have trashed? Do you own a liquor company that wants to sponsor us with a truckload (a small truckload, really, for about 150 alcoholics) of booze? Are we fucking insane to try and plan a party in four weeks? We're shooting for January 11, 12, or 13th as the date, right after the town settles in after the holidays and literally moments before the entire industry flees to Sundance. Send your pledges of help, your ideas, or offended comments to and we'll get the ball rolling. (Or the whole thing will blow up in our faces, but hey, that's almost as fun as a party.)