· Ronnie Spector, former lead Ronette and ex-Mrs. Phil Spector, headlines the appropriately-titled Ronnie Spector s X-mas Party at BB King tonight. Good thing the Christmas carols didn t change while she was locked in her house all those years. [BB King]
· Songstress Joanna Newsom brings her new American folk sound to Bowery Ballroom tonight. For some reason, she also requests that attendees wear a sweater with a knit cap or scarf, please. Make of that what you will. [BB]
· Hmm the city streets seem a little bit less packed with Christmas shopping gays and the girls and boys who love them. Wonder why? Oh, shit! The Scissor Sisters are playing at Hammerstein. That about explains it. [MusicToday]
· If Carol Burnett fucked South Park, their beautiful offspring would look something like the Jack Mackeral Show. Or so we re told. See for yourself at 7pm at the 55 Bar on Christopher Street.