· Christmas overload? Get some Chinese take-out and head on over to Joe s Pub for Heeb Storytelling, a reading by the non-gentile scribes of The Daily Show and Saturday Night Live, among others. [Heeb]
· Do you have the insatiable desire to get your name in the Guinness Book of Records, no matter how inconsequential the record? Well you might just be in luck: show up at St. Bartholomew s Church at 6pm tonight to help break the world record for largest number of Christmas carolers, which, according to Google, appears to be around 1,100. And don t let anyone tell you ever again that you never did anything with your life! [NY Press]
· Christmas, pagan-hipster style: cocktails, a human petting zoo, a Scissor Sister, half of art band Fischerspooner, and the Cracked Nut Dancers all descend upon Williamsburg tonight for Chaos and Candy III, the warped holiday celebration of Adam Dugas. [flavorpill]