Short Ends: Let's Hand Out Some Awards

· Starved for material and eager to revisit past dirt, Page Six and Jeannette Walls hand out their year-end gossip awards. The winners: Tara Reid, Courtney Love, and Britney Spears. The losers: Tara Reid, Courtney Love, and Britney Spears. Funny how that works.
·'s art director narrowly escapes tsunami disaster, only to return to the Biblical downpours currently offered by our local skies.
· Kirsten Dunst's bathing suit falls off, and, naturally, paparazzi lenses (and hoards of bloggers) are waiting. [via Fleshbot]
· Pierce Brosnan and his Aston Martin face off with a spoiled Ferrari-driving teen on the streets of our fair city. Michael Bay is set to direct the first two movies chronicling their aborted drag race.
· Sandra Bullock donates $1 million to tsunami (really, we must've typed that word a hundred times today) relief; George W. Bush expected to defiantly pony up another billion before others in Hollywood embarrass him.