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· Color all men and women around Gawker HQ miserable: Jude Law is engaged to actress Sienna Miller. [AP]
· Has publicist Ronn Torossian become the official Page Six whipping boy? After deriding him yesterday for trash-talking scary PR-ster Lizzie Grubman, the column continues to document Torossian's professional downfall (be it real or tabloid-imagined) by reporting that lawyer Ben Brafman has severed all ties with el Toro. [Page Six]
· Britney Spears replaces her longtime manager Larry Rudolph with his sidekick, Dan Dymtrow. Why the switch? Brit believes that Dymtrow can foster the hip-hop career of her hubby, Kevin Federline. Insert snickering here. [Lowdown]
· Unsuccessful tennis kitten Anna Kournikova is being her parents. Apparently daughter dearest doesn't want her progenitors around and is trying to have their names removed from the deed to a $5 million property in Miami. [Page Six]
· Teri Hatcher can't get laid. [R&M]