Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Jack Black Checks Out Zack

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let Jack Nicholson know that you've caught him fondling velvet.
In today's episode: Jack Black keeping it low-key at Largo; a reader overthinks an Uma Thurman sighting; Chloe Sevigny picking out underthings at Neiman Marcus; Mandy Moore, QAF's Scott Lowell at Urth; Ron Livingston on the eastside; Lauren Graham at the Coffee Bean; Alan Cumming; Tony Shaloub; Tony Hawk; Shannon Doherty; Mark Feuerstein; Adrian Grenier; Steve-O; Camryn Manheim; Terry Kinney; Louis Mandylor.
· At the Zach Galifianakis show at Largo on Monday night, I saw Jack Black hanging back at the bar near the kitchen entrance (no doubt he was propelled into action after seeing the show listed on defamer's "to do"). Jack laughed it up with the rest of us but declined to go on stage as a "special guest" and sneaked out through the kitchen as the show ended.
· Ok, I would be 100% sure that I saw Uma Thurman this morning if her location weren't so illogical. Uma Thurman wouldn't be sitting outside, alone at a bakery having coffee by herself near Cedars Sinai would she? If you're super famous, you don't sit outside during morning rush hour where any Joe Schmoe can see you, do you? I turned around and looked at her again. Uma lives in NY doesn't she? What was she doing here on a Tuesday morning and who's watching her kids? It might have been her non-famous rich, expensively dressed twin displaying herself on 3rd St
during rush hour, but I don't know.
· the new year brings so much hope, but also the chance that chloe sevigny is trying to seduce vincent gallo into the idea of a brown bunny reprise...i spotted her shopping for lingerie at neiman marcus...she was browsing the la perla section, and to my utter shock, she looked very normal, actually a welcome change from all of the Dr.90210 patients
overdosing on their vicodin in the bathrooms. sure, the waist of her skirt sat at her chin and she looked like she brushed her hair while driving in a convertible, but other than that, there were no baseball game door prize sunglasses on her face or trashbags as purses to speak of...
· last Friday, Urth Cafe on Melrose: Mandy Moore eating with a guy I know from working on a show he directed in the new york fringe festival 3 years ago, and another girl. she has GORGEOUS skin but blah hair, and she is taller than i had expected. in blue warmup gear. also at Urth Cafe, Scott Lowell (Ted from "Queer as Folk") eating with a nice-looking woman. he has beautiful eyes.
· Sat by Ron Livingston who was chatting it up with some folks on the patio at Edendale Grille last Thursday night.
· saw Lauren Graham, of gilmore girls, at coffee bean on sunset. she is absolutely gorgeous. aw, to be pretty is such work.
· Does this count as a sighting? I ask because a) he's not particularly famous and b) it was in the lobby of CAA, which feels sorta like cheating. Anyway, Alan Cumming, in the lobby of CAA, on a CrackBerry.
· I saw Tony Shalhoub at the Ralph's on 3rd and LeBrea. His cart was filled with Hansen's diet soda which was also perfectly organized — maybe some of the Monk is rubbing off on him. Alas, I did not get to see if he was a paper or plastic man..
I was in LA , and had two disparate yet thrilling cheesy celeb sightings in a single night of bar-hopping. We started the evening at Saddle Ranch, where skate guru Tony Hawk and an entourage of way too many guys were heckling the cute girls attempting to ride the bull. My boyfriend made a snide comment, and one of Tony's crew actually tried to trip him, at which point we were politely asked to leave. We left for White Lotus, where I caught a brief glimpse of Shannon Doherty (pocket-sized and in a bitchin' leather jacket) Just as I was angling closer to check out her eye proportions, my friend Kim also spotted her and shrieked "Brenda! Brennnnddaaaa!!!" at which point she was promptly whisked behind a VIP curtain. Unfortunately she wasn't throwing drinks, as far I could see.
· At the Whole Foods Market on Santa Monica and Fairfax, a wee little man barrelling down the cramped aisle with his cart, yelling "sorry" at me as I was nearly crushed by the cart. As he passed, I realized it was Mark Feuerstein (or is it Fueurstein? No mind) of Good Morning Miami "fame." Looking much taller and relaxed was Adrian Grenier shopping with someone who might have been his mother? His eyes are very blue, and he was lovely to behold.
· the grove was a ghost town today (12/10) because of the rain, but that didn't scare away steve-o from jackass. i saw him checking out laptops at the apple store this afternoon, looking very normal in jeans, black jacket, and black nikes, and as a plus, no visible brusies, burns, or track marks.
· At Toe Heaven on Saturday in Santa Monica, Camryn Manheim looking angry that my friends and I were taking up all the pedicure chairs, but she had a great handbag and had lost a ton of weight.
· Saturday, mid-rainstorm: I look up from a plate of wet eggs at the Quality Cafe on Third Street to see Terry Kinney aka Unit Manager Tim McManus from Oz, pulling his little daughter from a very inconspicuous family-friendly sedan. He set his girl on his shoulders, and they marched off down the street towards the Paul Frank store. The way he let those prisoners walk all over him, I knew he was a big softy.
· New Year's Day dim sum at Empress Pavilion saw a throng of Asian families, hipster kids, and... Louis Mandylor. Actually, the only reason I knew it was him was because 3 over-bleached anorexic USC chicks gasped,
wide-eyed, "HEY! You're the brother from My Big Fat Greek Wedding!" The Brother responded, smiling from beneath his red ballcap and hipster glasses, wagging his finger, "You're good." He was wearing jeans that were 3 sizes too big and looked suspiciously tan. I saw him go to a table with a fey slip of a man and three torn-up looking Asian women "of
a certain age." Didn't get to see if he ordered the chicken feet.